Supporting children's school readiness 2015-2018

Davies, Catherine and McGillion, Michelle and Rowland, Caroline and Matthews, Danielle (2019). Supporting children's school readiness 2015-2018. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-853233

The most cost-effective way to tackle the root causes of many social and educational problems is to intervene early in children's lives, before the problems have had a chance to entrench. Key to this strategy is improving children's language development in the early years. Children who enter school with good language skills have better chances in school, better chances of entering higher education, and better economic success in adulthood. Reading is very effective at boosting children's language. Children who read regularly with their parents or carers tend to learn language faster, enter school with a larger vocabulary of words and become more successful readers in school. Because of this, local authorities often commission services to promote family-based shared book reading (e.g. the Bookstart programme). However, recent studies suggest that shared book reading interventions work less effectively for children from disadvantaged backgrounds than originally thought, particularly when their parents have lower levels of education. This means that there is a danger that the benefits of shared reading will be restricted to children from more affluent homes and not get through to those who need them most. To solve this problem, we need to develop a better understanding of how reading interventions work, and of how parents use them. We need to identify what parents do and say when reading aloud with their children and why this makes reading so effective at boosting children's language. We need to find out whether differences in how parents read mean that parents from disadvantaged backgrounds use these language boosting behaviours less frequently. We need to determine how to design interventions that increase the use of these behaviours in all parents, especially those with lower levels of education. Then, once we have identified how reading interventions work, we need to determine how to help parents use them successfully in their daily lives. The aim of this project is to determine how shared reading promotes child language development, and use this knowledge to make it an effective language boosting tool for children from all social and economic backgrounds. In Work Package 1, we will identify what language boosting behaviours parents use in shared reading, and will determine how parents from different social/economic backgrounds use these behaviours during shared reading. In Work Package 2, we will create four targeted interventions, each focussed on a particular language boosting behavior, and investigate how they are implemented by parents from different backgrounds, and how they affect children's language development. In Work Package 3, we will explore what influences parents' decisions to read or not to read with their children, in order to work out why parents may be unwilling to read with their children and to identify how to make reading a more enjoyable experience. We will also evaluate the benefits of a new intervention, designed by national charity The Reader Organisation, to promote reading for pleasure. Across the project, we will study a range of language skills, covering the core language abilities that are essential for learning to read and write in school. We will produce one review article, 9 original research articles, 30 conference presentations, and activities for non-academic audiences at local and national level. We will also submit a Cochrane review on the effectiveness of shared reading interventions for language development. Our results will enable health professionals such as health visitors, early years educators such as nursery school teachers, and policy-makers in local and national government to design targeted, cost-effective interventions to improve the language of children between the ages of 0 and 5 years. The work addresses ESRC's strategic priorities Influencing Behaviour and Informing Interventions and A Vibrant and Fair Society.

Data description (abstract)

Language comprehension relies on the ability to make local and global inferences (e.g., inferring what a pronoun refers to, or inferring why a protagonist in a story did something based on information distributed through the text). These skills develop in the preschool years and are demonstrated when children make sense of stories that are read to them. While important for later reading ability and academic success, relatively little is known about whether anything can be done to improve inference-making skills in the preschool years. One possibility is that parent-child book reading would help. During book reading, some parents naturally ask their children questions about the story that would require them to make inferences about the text. The current study was designed to test whether doing this promotes children's ability to make inferences. Half the parents in this study were given books with inference eliciting questions added to them and provided with training about how to ask these questions and respond to their children's answers. The other half of the parents were given a maths exercise book and asked to spend the same amount of time per day working through this.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Davies Catherine University of Leeds
McGillion Michelle University of Sheffield
Rowland Caroline Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Matthews Danielle University of Sheffield
Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
Grant reference: ES/M003752/1
Topic classification: Education
Keywords: language skills, books, health promotion and education, inferencing
Project title: How to promote children's language development using family-based shared book reading (Short title: Promoting language development via shared reading)
Grant holders: Caroline Rowland, Danielle Matthews, Josie Billington, Sofia Lampropoulou, Catherine Davies, Rachael Levy, Anne Hesketh, Thea Cameron-Faulkner
Project dates:
1 April 20153 August 2018
Date published: 30 Aug 2018 11:25
Last modified: 29 Mar 2019 12:01

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