


Study on the Judicialization of Access to Health Services in The City of Araguaína - To

( Vol-9,Issue-6,June 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Laryssa Magalhães Da Silva, Maykon Jhuly Martins De Paiva, Iangla Araújo De Melo Damasceno, Fabiana Martins Dos Santos, Leda Terezinha Freitas E Silva, Wadson Rodrigues Lima, Gabriel Rodrigues Brito, Samara Brito De Sousa, Pedro Henrique Perez Roriz, Italo Craveiro De Souza Milhomem, Marcelo Martins De Paiva


Access to health services, judicialization, Nucleus of Technical Support.


The judicialization of health has been taking place in doctrinal and jurisprudential discussions, where individuals who need remedies or treatments have recourse to the judiciary to achieve their right to health. Justice has become the only solution, not having their rights guaranteed. Over the years, lawsuits have been increasing, and this is also happening in the municipality of Araguaína-TO. The objective of this study is to analyze and identify the judicial demand for health services related to primary care, in the municipality of Araguaína in the years 2016 and 2017, where a survey of data from the Technical Support Nucleus (NAT) of Araguaína-TO. In 2016, a percentage of 13.79% of the 429 consultations were obtained; already in 2017, an increase was identified from the previous year, thus there are 493 queries received at the NAT, where only 10.14% of these were judicialized and 89.86% resolved administratively. The numbers demonstrate high core resolubility. The data demonstrate the characterization of the majority of the demands, bringing medical consultations, and being in second place the medicines. We emphasize the effectiveness of NAT in resolving cases by avoiding higher costs to the public service.

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  • Page No: 173-180
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