


Health Care for Climacteric Women in Primary Health Care: An Integrative Review

( Vol-9,Issue-12,December 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Julyany Rocha Barrozo de Souza, Aline Carvalho da Silva, Jéssica Dias Ribeiro, Silmara Nayara Silva Almeida, Aline Ouriques de Gouveia, Flavia Nunes Vieira, Kátia Cilene Lisboa Farias, Andréa das Graças Ferreira Frazão, Cinthia Cristina Sousa de Menezes da Silveira


Nursing Care; Climacteric; Menopause; Primary health care.


This project aims to identify, in the scientific literature, nursing care for climacteric women in primary health care. Methodology: It is characterized as an Integrative Literature Review. Results: After all the methodological procedure, the search resulted in a total of 124 articles. Of these, 33 were found in the LILACS database, 79 in the PUBMED platform and 12 in SCIELO. After applying the inclusion criteria to integrate this study, a total of 119 did not meet the eligibility criteria and were excluded, leaving only 05 satisfactory samples. Conclusion: The activities carried out in the care of climacteric women are restricted to those who seek the service spontaneously, during the cytology collection and those who are part of groups of chronic diseases. Therefore, despite all the advances in public policies for women's health, there is still a gap in care for climacteric women, due to the delay in implementing strategies that directly affect the quality of life of these women, one of the solutions being a climacteric program composing the organization of assistance in primary care that follows the division by specialties or groups. On the other hand, this organization ends up fragmenting the service and making it close to the hospital environment, compromising the proposition of primary care, distancing the professional from the client and expanding the bond established with the community.

Article Info:

Received: 19 Nov 2022, Receive in revised form: 14 Dec 2022, Accepted: 20 Dec 2022, Available online: 31 Dec 2022

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  • Total View : 255
  • Downloads : 17
  • Page No: 675-682
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