


Prevention of falls in elderly users of a Family Health Strategy in the city of Ananindeua-Pará

( Vol-9,Issue-1,January 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mônica Olívia Lopes Sá de Souza, Antônio Sérgio Ferreira de Lima, Benedita Farias Caldas, Fabíola Gonçalves de Oliveira, Camila Medeiros Maciel, Dayara de Nazaré Rosa de Carvalho, Tamires da Silva Dutra; Fabiana Maria Martins Damaceno, Danielle Maria Martins Carneiro, Marcela Raissa Asevedo Dergan, Janaina de Freitas Vale, Paula Andreza Viana Lima, Natalie Kesle Costa Tavares, Tainan Fabrício da Silva, Rodrigo Damasceno Costa, Miriam Souza Oliveira, Susi dos Santos Barreto de Souza, Lucrécia Aline Cabral Formigosa, Fernanda de Nazaré Almeida Costa, Monique Lindsy Silva de Souza Baia, Patrícia dos Santos Moutinho Coelho, Lucas de Jesus Pereira, Elisa da Silva Feitosa


Elderly, Falls, Prevention, Primary Care.


Objective: understand the measures to prevent the risk of falling in elderly users of a family health strategy in the city of Ananindeua, state of Pará, Brazil. Methodology: Approximately 15 of the 316 elderly enrolled were selected: male and female, which sign the Free Informed Consent Form and were at the ESF on the day of the research. Were excluded from these research people aged 59 years or less, who not enrolled in the ESF, do not have mental conditions to carry out the research, and those who do not agree to sign the IC. Results: The results of the study showed that the predominant age range was between sixty-four (64) and eighty (80) years old, and 80% of the elderly population is female. Four categories emerged from this study for analysis covering the common context polydrug use in this age group, the multimorbidities, the history of falls, and the physical environment of residence of the elderly. Conclusion: Several factors were identified associated with the risk of falling among the elderly include the were visual deficits, advanced age, nervous system disease, excessive medications, slippery floors, among other situations that make the elderly suffer some risk of falling and have consequences relevant to their lives, it was also verified that the degree of autonomy of the elderly is quite comprehensive where they manage to do simple daily activities without making much effort.

Article Info:

Received: 10 Nov 2021, Received in revised form: 01 Dec 2021, Accepted: 10 Dec 2021, Available online: 06 Jan 2022

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