


Diagnosis and proposal of an alternative system for the supply and treatment of water in the Mato Stream, municipality of Simonésia-MG.

( Vol-8,Issue-11,November 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mariza Silva Bitarães Dias, Rosane Gomes de Oliveira, Walber Gonçalves de Souza, Daniel Rodrigues Silva, Wederson Marcos Alves and João Batista Alves dos Reis


Diagnosis. Water supply, Alternative water treatment Quality of life.


Basic sanitation services are essential to promote the improvement of quality of life and human dignity. The present study took place in the hydrographic microbasin of the third tributary of the Mato Stream, located in the São Braz community, in the municipality of Simonésia-Minas Gerais. This work aimed to diagnose the supply and propose an alternative system for the treatment of water consumed by the local community. To obtain the diagnosis, field research of an exploratory nature “in loco” was necessary. Visits were carried out at the water catchment points and the situation was investigated. of them, to later select alternatives to water treatment that meet local conditions through literature review research. It was found that the water supply was constituted by individual alternative systems, under the sole responsibility of the users. A worrying scenario was observed, in which in most cases, water was consumed without any type of treatment, and there was a lot of degradation around the contribution basins and water sources, impacts related to agriculture, in addition to others arising from the presence of animals and dumping solid and liquid waste without prior treatment.

Article Info:

Received: 11 Sept 2021, Received in revised form: 04 Nov 2021, Accepted: 16 Nov 2021, Available online: 24 Nov 2021

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  • Total View : 516
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  • Page No: 282-307
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