


Epidemiological Profile of Prostate Cancer in Brazil

( Vol-8,Issue-11,November 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Gilmar Júnior Brito Santana, Ludianne Paz Lima da Silva, Juliana Azevedo da Paixão, Isleide da Silva Santos


Prostatecancer, Incidence, Mortality, Heterogeneity.


Commonly initiated through a range of mutation sequences that occur throughout an individual's lifetime, the Prostate cancer (PC) is a pathophysiological disorder with diverse origin. In this work, we use the data about the incidence and mortality of PC available in a database from the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA) that permitted the construction of graphs made using the Microsoft Office Excel to the analysis, so this study aimed to quantify the distribution of PC, analyzing its incidence at national, macro-regional, state and capital levels. Furthermore, monitoring mortality at the national and macro-regional levels, as well as its projection at the national level, and generating health indicators that can be useful in promoting public policies. PC has a high incidence in the Northeast and low in the North. The Southeast region presents a higher number of deaths, and the projection of the number of deaths motivated by PC tends to increase throughout Brazil until 2040. Prostate cancer is very heterogeneous across the country, with marked differences in the same geographic space. Thus, this study generated health indicators that can be useful for the promotion of preventive public policies and for budget reorganization, bringing the possibility of a more homogeneous, effective and efficient screening of prostate cancer.

Article Info:

Received: 12 Sept 2021, Received in revised form: 25 Oct 2021, Accepted: 05 Nov 2021, Available online: 14 Nov 2021

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  • Total View : 479
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  • Page No: 115-125
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