


Impact of the Covd-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Nurses

( Vol-10,Issue-7,July 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Laine Saude Mouza, Iris Margon Covre, Gabriely Pereira Silva, Gabrielly Oliveira Rocha, Glauciney Aparecida da Silva, Eugenio Maria Gomes, Ingrid Rodrigues da silva, Raiane de Jesus Gonçalves Gama, Wanessa Soares Luiz Silva, Elizabeth Andrade, Gabriela Oliveira Silva, Melissa Lafetá de Oliveira Almeida, Marina Barbosa and Daniel Rodrigues Silva


Mental health, Nurses, COVID-19 pandemic.


The healthMental health is a state of psychological, emotional and social well-being that enables people to cope with life's challenges, realize their potential and contribute to society. The new coronavirus pandemic is triggering mental illness in health professionals, especially those in the nursing team. Faced with the pandemic scenario, nursing professionals can acquire harmful results for mental health, triggering reflexes of their hard work routines. The problematization has to do with the health sector presenting challenging situations for health professionals, as workers often have to deal with different adversities in their daily professional lives. Among the difficulties experienced were those related to the nurses' mental health. Given the above, the problem of this research is: How does mental health affect the health of nurses in times of a pandemic? This article aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nursing teams and what are the strategies to face this challenge. The methodology used in this article is a research with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive character through a bibliographic review.

Article Info:

Received: 24 May 2023, Receive in revised form: 25 Jun 2023, Accepted: 04 Jul 2023, Available online: 11 Jul 2023

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  • Page No: 007-013
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