


Poverty and banditry in the Maghreb during the Middle Ages

( Vol-10,Issue-10,October 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mustapha Chiguer, Youness Chiguer


thieves - bandits - poverty - the Islamic Maghreb - the Middle Ages – community.


The subject of this research focuses on studying one of the social phenomena that disturbed society and authority alike in the Maghreb countries during the Middle Ages, and it is related to the phenomenon of banditry and banditry and its relationship to poverty, and then searching for the role of poverty and fragility in exacerbating the processes of theft, robbery and looting, and thus the extent to which it contributes Poor social and natural environments create aggressive behavior such as eavesdropping, banditry, and disruption of security in general, and road security in particular, in addition to other factors in which the natural and the human intersect. Conversely, how banditry was considered a minus of a danger that was knocking in the face of society, alerting to the great defect that it knew. The economic and social structure in the countries of the Islamic Maghreb in the Middle Ages, and how warfare also constituted an aspect of opposition to those regimes responsible for that imbalance.

Article Info:

Received: 10 Aug 2023, Receive in revised form: 15 Sep 2023, Accepted: 28 Sep 2023, Available online: 08 Oct 2023

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  • Page No: 061-069
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