e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Performance Improvement in Steel Structures, Implementing ADAS Yielding Damper, Using Non-linear Analysis
Authors : Yousef Mohammadi Moghadam, Mehrdad Movahednia
Keywords : ADAS damper, Ductility, Total strength
Issue Date : Dec 2019-Jan 2020
Abstract :
The objective of present study is to improve the performance of steel structures, Implementing ADAS yielding damper, by means of non-linear analysis. ANSYS software is utilized to model ADAS damper. 3 buildings of 5, 10 and 15 stories are studied with and without damper. Non-linear method was used to analyze. Load, displacememt, ductility, energy absorption and total strength graphs of different samples were compared. The results represent that in the 5-story structure, addition of ADAS damper leads a 3 time increment of total strength, 57% increment of ductility and 164% increment of energy damping. In the 10-story structure, addition of ADAS damper leads a 143% increment in total strength, a 25% increment in ductility and 104% increment of energy absorption. In 15-story structure, addition of ADAS damper leads a 24% increment in total strength, a 11% increment in ductility and a 40% increment in energy absorption. Maximum ductility is related to the model 6 with a value of 6.03 and the minimum ductility is obtained in model 1 with a value of 3.12. The maximum total strength is related to model 6, equal to 2913 tons and model 1 is related to minimum total strength of 632 tons. When comparing the energy absorption, model 1 and model 6 had the minimum and the maximum values relatively. To conclude, ADAS damper has the highest effect on short structures. The best performance of ADAS damper in comparison with the same sructure without damper is observed in 5-story buildings.
Page(s) : 165-174
ISSN : 0975-4024 (Online) 2319-8613 (Print)
Source : Vol. 11, No.6S
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DOI : 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i6/191106105