Rev Bras Oftalmol.2012;71(3):184-187

Diplopia after injection of botulinic toxin type A for facial rejuvenation

Márcia Melo de Oliveira , Lucas Henrique Barbosa dos

DOI: 10.1590/S0034-72802012000300008

Report of 4 patients referred to the Orthoptics Service of this Hospital, who presented diplopia after the injection of botulinic toxin type A for facial rejuvenation.When measuring the angle of the strabismus in the diagnostic positions, all of the patients presented paralitical micro strabismus, two of them due to inferior oblique paresisand the other two due to lateral rectus paresis. Based on the cases described, we advise the professionals that make use of BTA for facial rejuvenation to be aware of diplopia as a complication.

Diplopia after injection of botulinic toxin type A for facial rejuvenation

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