Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region




Mathematical model of an electrohydraulic actuator

E.A. Ivliev, V.I. Grishchenko, D.D. Medvedev

Evgeniy A. Ivlievassistant, Department «Hydraulics, Hydropneumoautomatics аnd Thermal Processes», Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Vyacheslav I. Grishchenko – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate professor, Head of the Department «Hydraulics, Hydropneumoautomatics аnd Thermal Processes», Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Denis D. Medvedev – assistant, Department «Hydraulics, Hydropneumoautomatics аnd Thermal Processes», Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.



Modeling of systems and their analysis using simulation models of electro-, hydro-, pneumo-mechanical elements and drives can significantly reduce costs when upgrading or creating new equipment. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop a mathematical model developed by the authors of the electrohydraulic actuator (EHA), which allows analyzing and optimizing the characteristics of the hydro-mechanical drive systems of mobile equipment and technological equipment at the design stages. In this paper, a simulation model of the EHA was developed and implemented on the MATLAB/Simulink platform, which is based on numerical modeling. To analyze the characteristics and confirm the adequacy of the mathematical model of the EHA, a special experimental stand was developed and created. Under the conditions of multifactorial influence of parameters, control algorithms and external influences on the characteristics of the EHA during computational and field experiments on a simulation model and an experimental stand, respectively, different coordinates of linear displacements of the EHA under different loads on the output link were set. The deviations of the obtained trajectories of movement from the specified ones were analyzed, as well as the discrepancy between the characteristics of the EHA obtained during computational and field experiments. It follows from the results of the computational and full-scale experiment that the simulation model of the EHA adequately describes the working processes in the EGO and allows you to evaluate the main characteristics and optimize the parameters of the EHA when developing drive systems for mobile equipment and technological equipment for a specific technical task. So in the steady state in the absence of a payload, the positioning error is 0.025 mm, and with an increase in the load to 9817 N, the error increases to 0,25 mm. The arithmetic mean value of the difference between the trajectory of the simulation model and the physical model as a percentage of the maximum coordinate of the positional cycle is 0.5% when there is no load, and 2 % when the load is 9817 N. However, the resulting model, parameterized only on the data of individual components, is not completely correct for control optimization. Nevertheless, it indicates the behavior of a control system that can already be used in product development if there is no physical EHA yet.

For citation: Ivliev E.A., Grishchenko V.I., Medvedev D.D. Mathematical  model  of  an  electrohydraulic  actuator. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Techn. nauki=Bulletin  of  Higher Educational  Institutions.  North Caucasus Region. Technical Sciences. 2023;(4):98-110. (In Russ.).


Keywords: electrohydraulic actuator, simulation model, control system, position control, speed control, positional cycle


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