
Fertility Transformation and Heterosis Utilization of the Photosensitive Male Sterile Line Zhongguang 121S
中文关键词:  小麦  雄性不育系  光敏感性  研究
英文关键词:Wheat  Male sterile line  Photo-sensitivity  Research
蒲传永,蒲春雷,伍建春 (四川省南充市农业农村局四川南充 637000) 
摘要点击次数: 212
全文下载次数: 239
      小麦杂种优势利用经历了半个世纪的研究,但至今未能在生产上大面积推广。本课题组前期利用光敏不育材料N4-IS与米拉的变异株系4151杂交,经9个世代的定向单株选择,育成了不育系中光121S。为进一步了解其育性特点,对其进行两年三季的温度测试以及播期和定光试验。结果表明,中光121S为光敏不育系,其育性转换只受光照时长控制,不受气温和其他不育基因影响。其育性转换时期为孕穗期,日长 12.3 h以下为雄性不育,可以配制杂交种;日长12.3 h以上育性开始恢复;日长12.8 h能完全恢复可育,且能够繁殖种子。经三年利用84个普通小麦品种与中光121S进行测交,发现杂种育性均能完全恢复,证明中光121S的不育基因属于隐性遗传,所有普通小麦品种都是其良好的恢复系,能及时利用常规育种的成果,筛选出强优势组合。已测配出超标优势高达35.3%的强优势组合为中光121S/南814。
      The research on the utilization of wheat heterosis has gone through half a century, and has not been applied in large-scale production. In previous study, the male sterile line Zhongguang 121S was bred through directional single plant selection for nine generations hybridized by the photosensitive male sterile material N4-IS and the mutant line 4151 of Mira. In order to study fertility transformation and heterosis, the temperature test, sowing date and light setting test in two years and three seasons were conducted, and the results show that Zhongguang 121S is a photosensitive male sterile line,and its fertility conversion is only controlled by the duration of light, not affected by temperature and other male sterile genes. The fertility conversion period is booting stage, and it is male sterile if the light duration is less than 12.3 h, and hybrids can be obtained. The fertility begins to recover when the light duration is more than 12.3 h, and the fertility is restored when the light duration is 12.8 h, and the seeds can be reproduced. After three years of test crossing between more than 80 common wheat varieties and Zhongguang 121S, the hybrid fertility can be completely restored, indicating that its sterile gene belongs to recessive inheritance. All common wheat varieties are good restorer lines, which can use the results of conventional breeding in time to screen out strong combinations. One strong advantage combination Zhongguang 121S/Nan 814 with overstandard advantage of 35.3% has been tested.
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