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引用本文:张晓岗, 刘 萍,马 琨,王 娜.间作栽培对宁夏南部山区马铃薯根际土壤真菌菌群结构的影响[J].西北农业学报,2020,30(12):1875~1882
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张晓岗, 刘 萍,马 琨,王 娜 (1.宁夏大学 农学院银川 7500212.西北土地退化与生态系统恢复国家重点实验室培育基地银川 750021) 
中文摘要:根据宁夏南部山区气候和作物的生长特点,设计马铃薯‖玉米(P‖M,行比分别为4∶1,3∶2, 2∶3)、马铃薯‖蚕豆(P‖F,行比同前)、马铃薯不同品种(A‖B‖C,行比1∶1∶1)间作栽培模式,以马铃薯连作为对照,研究马铃薯根际土壤真菌多样性和菌群结构的变化,探寻能够减轻宁夏南部山区马铃薯连作障碍的有效栽培模式。采用基于18S rDNA的末端标记限制性片段长度多态性 (Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism,T-RFLP) 技术研究不同间作栽培模式下马铃薯根际土壤真菌的菌群结构和多样性变化,构建真菌ITS克隆文库,利用Genbank数据库比对各栽培模式中ITS序列的测序结果,并作群落结构组成和功能分析。结果表明,马铃薯间作栽培后真菌Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均有不同程度降低;马铃薯与玉米、蚕豆间作后根际土壤真菌的物种丰富度在门、纲和目的分类学水平上与连作相比明显下降,菌群结构发生较大变化,成熟期马铃薯‖玉米3∶2行比间作模式与连作的差异最大,属的比例下降67.74%。间作栽培后,黑孢属(Nigrospora)、地丝霉属(Geomyces)、圆盘菌属(Orbilia)、枝顶孢属(Acremonium)、四枝孢属(Tetracladium)等9个属的真菌消失,同时新增刺盘孢属(Colletotrichum)、毛壳属(Chaetomium)、巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspora)、小球腔菌属(Pleosporineae)等13个属的真菌,其中马铃薯‖玉米3∶2行比间作后巨孢囊霉属比例高达60.35%。可见,马铃薯‖玉米间作栽培能有效改善马铃薯根际土壤的真菌菌群结构,使其微环境得以改善,缓解宁夏南部山区马铃薯连作障碍。
中文关键词:马铃薯  间作栽培  根际土壤  真菌群落  T-RFLP  ITS基因文库
Effect of Potato Intercropping on Fungal Community Composition of Rhizosphere Soil in Southern Mountainous Area of Ningxia
Abstract:In order to study the changes of fungal diversity and community composition in potato rhizosphere soil and to explore an effective cultivation pattern which can alleviate the obstacles of long-term potato continuous cropping in mountainous area of Southern Ningxia,intercropping patterns of potato with maize (P‖M, intercropping row ratio of 4∶1, 3∶2 and 2∶3), potato with faba bean (P‖F, same intercropping row ratio as potato with maize) and 3 different potato cultivars (A‖B‖C, intercropping row ratio of 1∶1∶1) were designed according to the climate and characteristics of potato growth.Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) based on 18S rDNA sequences was used to study the fungal community characteristics and their genetic diversity in rhizosphere soil samples of intercropping potatoe.The ITS genomic libraries were built,sequenced and compared with GenBank data base on exploration of the fungal communities composition and their functionality.The results showed that the Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index of fungi decreased for all cases to varying degrees after potato intercropping. The species abundance of fungi communities in potato rhizosphere soil samples of P‖M and P‖F dropped obviously at taxonomic level of phylum, class and order compared with continuous cropping potato. The components of fungi communities changed greatly, the P‖M intercropping grow ratio of 3∶2 had the most significant difference, which the genera of fungi dropped by 67.74% compared to potato continuous cropping in mature stage of potatoes.After intercropping, fungi belonging to 9 genuses such as Nigrospora, Geomyces, Orbilia, Acremonium, Tetracladium disappeared completely, whereas 13 new fungi genuses such as Colletotrichum, Chaetomium, GigasporaPleosporineae.were discovered. The ratio of new Gigaspora in the P‖M intercropping ws as high as 60.35% in the 3∶2 row ratios. The results suggested that P‖M intercropping could effectively improve the fungi community composition and improve the micro environment of potato rhizosphere soil in the long term, which could alleviate obstacle of potato continuous cropping in mountainous area of Southern Ningxia in China.
keywords:Potato  Intercropping  Rhizosphere soil  Fungi communities  T-RFLP  ITS gene library
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