Effects of soil moisture storage at planting and supplementary irrigation on winter wheat yield and water use
中文关键词:  冬小麦  底墒  补灌量  产量  有效底墒利用率  水分利用效率
英文关键词:winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  soil moisture storage at planting(SMSp)  supplemental water  grain yield  utilization rate of available SMSp (Rc)  water use efficiency
许卫娜 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
杨宝平 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
聂俊峰 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
丁瑞霞 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
杨万忠 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
韩清芳 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
王俊鹏 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
张鹏 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
韩文霆 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院陕西 杨凌 712100 
贾志宽 西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院陕西 杨凌 712100农业农村部西北黄土高原作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
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      在大型半自动控制防雨池栽条件下,采用裂区设计,以不同底墒(350、450、650 mm)为主处理,生育期补灌量(0、56.3、78.1、100 mm)为副处理,研究了不同土壤底墒和补灌量对冬小麦产量、产量构成和水分利用的影响。结果表明,在不补灌条件下,0~200 cm土壤有效底墒最大利用率为42.6%~74.2%,其中 0~50 cm 为 92.2%~123.4%,50 cm 以下为53.9%~65.3%,能保持到冬小麦抽穗。随着补灌量的增加,高、中、低底墒 0~200 cm 土层有效底墒利用率增加。高、中、低底墒高量补灌(R3)0~200 cm有效底墒利用率分别比低量补灌(R1) 增加 4.3%、37.2%、7.5%;各土层有效底墒利用率均大于不补灌处理。冬小麦营养生长阶段浅层耗水量大于生殖生长阶段, 但深层耗水量正好相反,随着冬小麦生育期的推进,尤其在生殖生长阶段,深层土壤贮水量发挥了积极的“补偿作用”。底墒对冬小麦产量及其构成、水分利用效率有显著影响。随补灌量的增加,产量及产量构成均增大,且底墒越低增加幅度越大,但差异不显著。低底墒增产效应分别较中、高底墒提高70.9%~108.5%、389.7%~ 402.7%。随补灌量的增加,低底墒的水分利用效率增加1.7%~1.8%,中、高底墒的水分利用效率降低0.7%~14.2%。因此,播前底墒是保证干旱半干旱区冬小麦稳产、高产的关键所在,作物产量与土壤有效底墒供水量之间呈明显的非线性关系。
      A 2-yr experiment was conducted in a mobile rain\|proof shed using a split\|plot design that included three soil moisture storage at planting (SMSp, 350, 450 mm and 650 mm) as main plot treatment and four supplemental water during the growing period (0, 56.3, 78.1, 100 mm) as split\|plot treatment. The results showed that under no supplemental water, the maximum utilization rate of available soil moisture storage at planting (SMSp) in the 0~200 cm soil profile was from 42.6% to 74.2% by the end of heading. The utilization rate was from 92.2% to 123.4% in the 0~50 cm soil profile, and from 53.9% to 65.3% in the 50 cm below. With increasing supplemental water, the utilization rate of available SMSp (Rc) in the 0~200 cm soil profile in 350, 450 mm and 650 mm SMSp increased. Rc with 100 mm supplemental water in the 0~200 cm soil profile increased by 7.5%, 37.2% and 4.3% in 350, 450 mm and 650 mm SMSp respectively than 56.3 mm supplemental water. With the development of winter wheat growth period, especially at reproductive growth stage, deep soil water storage played a positive compensation role. In the 0~200 cm soil profile, Rc decreased not only with the deepening soil, but also increased with increasing SMSp. Rc in the upper soil profile at planting\|heading stage was higher than at heading\|maturing stage, but Rc in the deeper soil profile was opposite. SMSp significantly affected winter wheat yield and its composition and water use efficiency. With the increase of water supply, the yield and yield components increased, and the worse the SMSp. The difference was not significant. The effect of low SMSp to yield was higher 70.9%~108.5% and 389.7%~402.7% middle and high SMSp, respectively. With the increase of SMSp, the water use efficiency of low SMSp increased 1.7%~1.8%, while the water use efficiency of medium and high SMSp decreased 0.7%~14.2%. SMSp was essential to ensure winter wheat grain yield on the Loess Plateau of China. Grain yield and the amount of consumed available SMSp had obvious nonlinear relationship.
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