Study on ridge and furrow rainwater harvesting planting pattern of pumpkin in sloping dryland in northwest Hebei Province
中文关键词:  沟垄  集雨  栽培模式  水分利用  产量  南瓜  冀西北  旱坡地
英文关键词:ridge and furrow  rainwater harvesting  planting pattern  yield  water use efficiency  pumpkin  northwest Hebei  sloping dryland
基金项目:农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项项目“冀西北坝 下地区坡耕地抗旱补水播种保苗综合技术研究与示范”(201003053)
傅永斌 张家口市农科院 河北 张家口 075000 
任全军 张家口市农科院 河北 张家口 075000 
奚玉银 张家口市农科院 河北 张家口 075000 
任少伟 张家口市农科院 河北 张家口 075000 
赵海洋 张家口市农科院 河北 张家口 075000 
王建文 阳原县农业局 河北 阳原 075800 
摘要点击次数: 238
全文下载次数: 172
      在怀安县前所堡旱作示范区以南瓜为试材,采用窄土垄沟、宽土垄沟、窄膜垄沟、宽膜垄 沟4种不同沟垄处理方式,常规平作为对照,研究不同的沟垄措施对南瓜地土壤水分含量、 水分利用及产量的影响。结果表明:沟垄栽培可使水分聚集于种植沟中较小有效栽培面积中 , 改善土壤水分分布状况,不同处理间效应大小依次为:宽膜垄沟>窄膜垄沟>宽土垄沟>窄土垄沟>平作,且覆膜效应大于垄的宽窄效应;沟垄处理对土壤水分在表层影响大,在较深土层影响小。沟垄处理均可提高水分利用效率,其中土垄与平作差异不明显,而膜垄水分利用率宽膜垄沟(40.85 kg·hm-2·mm-1)、窄膜垄沟(39.03 kg·hm-2·mm-1)均显著高于平作(30.27 kg·hm-2·mm-1)(P<0.05),宽垄比窄垄水分利用率高,但差异不显著。不同沟垄处理对南瓜的产量影响较大,产量增加4.23%~32.39%,增产效益176.2~1 210.4 元·hm-2,两膜垄组南瓜产量与对照平作差异显著(P<0.01),尤以宽膜垄沟增产效益为最高。综上所述,宽膜垄沟的栽培方式对南瓜水分利用和增产增效作用显著,是目前坡耕旱地南瓜生产中较为理想的田间沟垄微型集雨种植模式。
      In order to make full use of limited resources of rainfall and to increase water use efficiency of crops in sloping dryland, the experiment was carried out at Qiansuobao Dryland Farming Experimental Station in Huaian County, Hebei Province, China, with four ridge and furrow planting patterns, including narrow earth ridge and furrow (NER), wide earth ridge and furrow (WER), narrow film mulched ridge and furrow (NFR) and wide film-mulched ridge a nd furrow (WFR), and conventional flat planting (CK), to investigate the effects of different ridge and furrow cultivation patterns on soil water content, water use efficiency and yield of pumpkin. The results showed that the ridge and furrow planting could make water to be concentrated into a small effective cultivation area and improve the condition of soil moisture distribution. The effects of different treatments were ranked as: WFR>NFR>WER>NER>CK. Furthermore, the effect of plastic film covering was greater than that of the width of ridges. The effect of ridging treatments on soil moisture in surface layer was more remarkable than that in lower layer. All of ridging treatments could increase water use efficiency, but the difference between earth ridging and flat planting was not significant. The water use efficiency of WFR and NFR was 40.85 kg·hm-2·mm-1 and 39.03 kg·hm-2·mm-1 respectively, which was significantly higher compared to CK (30.27 kg·hm-2·mm-1) (P<0.05). Although the water use efficiency of wide ridging was higher than that of narrow ridging, the difference between them was not significant. Compared with the control, the pumpkin yield of all ridging treatments increased by 4.23%~32.39% and the economic benefit increased by 176.2~1 210.4 yuan·hm-2. Particularly, the yield of WFR and NFR was very significantly higher than that of the control (P<0.01), in which the output benefit of WFR was the highest among all treatments. Therefore, the planting pattern of wide film-mulched ridge and furrow is a highly efficient rainwater-harvesting technique for pumpkin production in the sloping dryland area in northwest Hebei Province.
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