Effects of irrigation methods on root characters and yield of cherry tomato during fruiting stage
中文关键词:  樱桃番茄  灌溉方式  根系特性  产量
英文关键词:cherry tomato  irrigation method  root characters  yield
吴燕 新疆农业科学研究院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000 
梁银丽 新疆农业科学研究院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 陕西 杨凌 712100 
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      采用小区试验研究了不同灌溉方式对樱桃番茄结果期根系特性与产量的影响。试验设置了6个灌溉方式处理,即:处理Ⅰ,常规沟灌,种植行和操作行同时灌溉;处理Ⅱ,交替沟灌,种植行和操作行交替灌溉;处理Ⅲ,固定灌种植行;处理Ⅳ,固定灌操作行;处理Ⅴ,前期常规沟灌,结果期交替沟灌;处理Ⅵ,前期交替沟灌,结果期常规沟灌。结果表明,不同灌溉方式之间樱桃番茄根系的特征值差异达到显著水平,处理Ⅵ根体积显著高于其余5种处理,根系伤流量为22.37 mg/min,根系活力高达0.50 mg/(g·h)。灌溉方式对樱桃番茄单果重、产量有显著影响,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌(处理Ⅵ)的单果重与产量均高于其他处理。因此,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌有利于樱桃番茄根系的发育与产量的提高。
      With Qianxi cherry tomato selected as indicating crop, plot experiment was carried out to study the effects of different irrigation methods on tomato root characters and yield during fruiting stage. The six irrigation methods adopted were: whole irrigation (Ⅰ), alternative irrigation (Ⅱ), growth row irrigation (Ⅲ), operated row irrigation (Ⅳ), early whole irrigation and late alternat ive irrigation (Ⅴ), and early alternative irrigation and late whole irrigation (Ⅵ). The results indicated that root characters of tomato were significantly different at 0.01 level among different irrigation methods. Root volume under treatment Ⅵ was much higher than other treatments, and the bleeding sap of root and root activities reached 22.37 mg/min and 0.50 mg/(g·h). The single fruit mass and cumulated yield of tomato under treatment Ⅵ was higher than other treatments. In conclusion, early alternative irrigation and late whole irrigation (Ⅵ) could improve tomato root growth and increase tomato yield.
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