Research on drought assessment index of summer maize base on precipitation anomaly
中文关键词:  夏玉米  趋势产量  气象产量  干旱指标  黄淮平原
英文关键词:summer maize  trend yield  meteorologieal yield  drought index
基金项目:公益性行业(气象)科研专项“农用天气预报关键技术研究”(GYHY200906021),“夏玉米高产稳产气象保障关键技术研究”(GYHY201006041); 中国气象局农业气象保障与应用技术重点开放实验室研究基金项目“基于气候变化的河南省高产夏玉米水分条件研究”(AMF200910)
李树岩 河南省气象科学研究所,河南 郑州 450003
中国气象局农业气象保障与应用技术重点开放实验室,河南 郑州 450003 
刘荣花 河南省气象科学研究所,河南 郑州 450003
中国气象局农业气象保障与应用技术重点开放实验室,河南 郑州 450003 
马志红 河南省气象科学研究所,河南 郑州 450003
中国气象局农业气象保障与应用技术重点开放实验室,河南 郑州 450003 
摘要点击次数: 278
全文下载次数: 193
      The drought assessment index of summer maize was determined based on the relationship between precip-itation and yield. Firstly, the history data series of yield were processed, trend yield was fitted using cubic polynomial, and the relative meteorological yield was detached; and then the relationship between precipitation anomaly in different growing phase and relative meteorological yield was analyzed. The result showed that precipitation anomaly from emer-gence to teaseling stage had significant positive correlation with relative meteorological yield. The regression equation was established through statistic analysis. The drought assessment index of summer maize in different grade was determined combined with division standard of agricultural drought. The index was: when negative precipitation anomaly was<20%,20%~50%,50%~80%,or>80%, the drought grade was slight drought, middle drought, heavy drought and serious drought, and the yield reduction was<10%, 10%~20%, 20%~30%, or>30%.
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