Mathematical models for single-line interference infiltration of fertilizer solution in film hole
中文关键词:  膜孔灌  肥液入渗  单向交汇  入渗特性  数学模型
英文关键词:film hole irrigation  fertilizer solution  single-line infiltration  infiltrtion characteristic  mathematical model
董玉云 兰州交通大学土木工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070 
费良军 西安理工大学水资源研究所,陕西 西安 710048 
穆红文 甘肃省电力设计院,甘肃 兰州 730050 
摘要点击次数: 249
全文下载次数: 176
      Based on lab. experiment, characteristics of single-line interferenee irrigation of fertilizer solution in film hole were analyzed. Four mathematical models were presented based on different measured data, such as Kostiakov mod-el, piecewise funetion model, reduction volume model and increasing infiltration ratio model for film hole fertilizer solu-tion single-line interference irrigation. Kostiakov model is based on the infiltration parameters of film hole single-line in-terference infiltration which are known; Piecewise function model is based on the infiltration parameters of two stages of film hole single-line infiltration-film hole free infiltration and interference infiltration which are known; Reduction volume model is based on the rate of reduced infiltration that film hole single-line infiltration compared with film hole free infiltra-tion and the parameters of free infiltration which are known; lncreasing infiltration ratio model is based on the rate of in-creased infiltration that film hole fertilizer solution single-line interference infiltration as compared with film hole single-line interference infiltration and the parameters of fresh water infiltration which are known. The four infiltration models are effective models for film hole fertilizer solution single-line interference irrigation through the measured data.The cal-culation precision of piecewise funetion model is the most aecurate. The calculation precision of three others’is relatively less accurate. The models may be selected in the light of measured data.
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