Influence of fruit industry on farmers’ household grain production and food security in Shaanxi
中文关键词:  苹果生产  粮食生产  粮食安全  农户调查  陕西省
英文关键词:apple production  grain production  food security  rural household survey  Shaanxi
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目课题(KSCX1-YW-12); 国家科技支撑项目(2006BAD09B04)
李建平 西北农林科技大学农学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 
上官周平 西北农林科技大学农学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 陕西 杨凌 712100 
摘要点击次数: 191
全文下载次数: 213
      通过对陕西渭北旱塬3个代表性的苹果生产基地县(长武县、白水县和洛川县)1 340户农户的调查发现,渭北旱塬果粮交错区果业产业的发展不仅促进了农村经济的发展,而且提高了农民的生活水平,但对粮食生产带来了限制,对区域粮食安全构成潜在的威胁;3县粮食均不能自给,粮食自给率低;粮食种植结构发生较大变化,玉米比重增大;粮食构成中口粮比例逐渐缩小,饲料用粮比例增加迅速;农户无储粮观念,果区仍然存在区域性粮食供需短缺。因此,要确保果粮区粮食安全,应加强粮食流通渠道建设,改变农民储粮观念,做好储备粮食工作,加大农业补贴和科技投入,降低粮食生产成本和风险,调动起农民 生产粮食的积极性。
      A random survey was carried out to 1430 farm households in three representational counties (Luochuan county, Changwu county and Baishui county) located in the apple-producing region of Shaanxi. The results indicate that in the fruit-producing area, the development of fruit industry not only promotes the development of the rural economy, but also improves the farmers’ living standard, while the grain production is greatly hampered and food security seriously threatened; The grain self-sufficiency rate of the three counties is low and the grain production is insufficient; Significant changes take place in the structure of grain-growing, and the maize proportion in the total yield increases largely; The proportion of grain ration reduces gradually, meanwhile the proportion of feed grain increases rapidly; The farmers have no sense of storing grain, thus the fruit-producing area is still short of grain supply and demand. Therefore, to ensure food security in fruit-grain areas, we should strengthen the construction of food distribution channels and change the concept of the farmers for storing grain and do the work of food reserves, while the government should increase agricultural subsidies and technological input to reduce grain production costs and risks, and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers for grain production.
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