The effects of different fertilization structure on yields of sunflower in saline alkali soil
中文关键词:  盐碱地  向日葵  施肥量  生长性状
英文关键词:saline and alkali soil  sunflower  fertilizer efficiency  growth traints
陈萍 宁夏农垦农林牧技术推广服务中心宁夏 银川 750011 
何文寿 宁夏大学农学院 宁夏 银川 750021 
摘要点击次数: 237
全文下载次数: 199
      研究了不同施肥配比对宁夏盐碱土壤向日葵产量的影响,建立了一元二次肥料效应函数方程。结果表明:对碱化土壤施氮量达到10.56 kg/667m2时,产量达到最大值183.2 kg/667m2;当施磷量达到5.71 kg/667m2时,产量达到最大值156.9 kg/667m2;最高产量施肥配方氮磷钾配比为10.56∶5.71∶3,最佳经济产量施肥配方氮磷钾配比为7.51∶4.44∶3。对盐化土壤当施氮量达到10.51 kg/667m2时,产量达到最大值222.6 kg/667m2;当施磷量达到5.78 kg/667m2时,产量达到最大值195.8 kg/667m2,最高产量施肥配方氮磷钾配比为10.51∶5.78∶3,最佳经济产量施肥配方氮磷钾配比为7.47∶4.49∶3。
      Experiments were conducted to study the effects different fertilization rate on the yields of sunflower growing in saline and alkali soil and to establish a functional equation of fertilizer efficiency. The results show that for the alkali soil: if nitrogen reached 10.56 kg/667m2, the production reached the maximum 183.2 kg/667m2; and if the phosphorus reached 5.71 kg/667m2, the production reached the maximum 156.9 kg/667m2; and for the saline soil: if nitrogen reached 10.51 kg/667m2, the production reached the maximum 222.6 kg/667m2; and if the phosphorus reached 5.78 kg/667m2, the production reached the maximum 195.8 kg/667m2. Therefore: for the maximum production, the fertilization ratio among nitrogen, phosphate, and potash is 10.51∶5.78∶3, while the best economic yield's fertilization ratio among nitrogen, phosphate, and potash is 7.47∶4.49∶3.
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