Effect of coated urea fertilization on the protective cultivation of cucumber’s roots of microorganism and enzyme activity in soil
中文关键词:  黄瓜  包膜控释尿素  根区微生物  酶活性
英文关键词:cucumber  coated urea fertilization  root's microorganism  activity of enzyme
基金项目:甘肃省庆阳市科技攻关项目(GDK031-1-5); 陇东学院自然基金项目(Szzk0312)
杨建霞 陇东学院生命科学系,陇东学院生命科学系 甘肃庆阳745000,甘肃 庆阳 745000 
王鑫 陇东学院生命科学系,陇东学院生命科学系 甘肃庆阳745000,甘肃 庆阳 745000 
摘要点击次数: 233
全文下载次数: 169
      We choose the protective cultivation of cucumber to be the research object and study the effect of coated urea fertilization on the protective cultivation of cucumber's roots of the number of microorganism and enzyme activity in soil.The result shows that: the coated urea fertilization could increase the number of grimes and actinomyces,also,the effect of the coated urea fertilization on the three majority of grimes would be like this: Bacteria>actinomyces>fungi.The effect of coated urea fertilization on the bacteria would be: D60>D90>U>CK,but the effect is hardly obvious on actinomyces.The amount of the coated urea fertilization increase gradually when the coated urea mixed with the normal urea,the activity of Polyphenol oxidaseand Urease would increase;but it has no obvious effect on the activity of Phosphatse,Hydrogen peroxidase and Invertase.The effect of coated urea fertilization on Polyphenol oxidaseoxidase would be: D90>D60>U>CK;else,it has a obvious effect on increasing the activity of Invertase.The coated urea fertilization has a outstanding effect on the total nitrogen,besides,it would improve the amount of soil organism,total nitrogen,Alkal.N, Nitric.N,Amm.N and Avail.K obviously,but it has an opposite regularity on the amount of Avail.P with other items.
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