Research on quantitative monitoring method of corrosion of jointed pipe based on reflectedL(0,1) guided wave
中文关键词: 分段式管道  腐蚀  壁厚损失  反射的L(0,1)导波  走时变化  定量监测
英文关键词: jointed pipe  corrosion  wall thickness loss  reflected L(0,1) guided wave  time-of-flight variation  quantitative monitoring
摘要点击次数: 130
全文下载次数: 219
      Corrosion leads to the thinning of the wall thickness of the pipe, which reduces the strength and integrity of the pipe and threatens the operation safety of the pipe. A quantitative monitoring method for corrosion of jointed pipe based on the reflected L(0,1) guided wave is proposed. Through analyzing the variation rule of the L(0,1) guided wave in the pipe with different wall thicknesses, the time-of-flight (TOF) variation of the reflected L(0,1) guided wave is proposed as wall thickness loss (WTL)-sensitive feature. The theoretical relation between the TOF variation of the reflected wave and WTL is established, and the WTL of the pipe is quantified according to the measured TOF variation of the reflected wave and the theoretical relation. An experimental study is carried out, the L(0,1) guided wave is excited in the pipe, the measured TOF variation of the reflected wave is used to evaluate the WTL of the pipe, and the corresponding WTL is obtained combined with the theoretical relation. The results show that through the TOF variation of the reflected wave, the WTL of the pipe can be sensitively identified and accurately quantified, and the WTL evaluated by the TOF variation of the reflected wave is consistent with the value of ultrasonic testing. Compared with the existing guided wave methods, the proposed method improves the resolution and quantification precision of the WTL of the pipe. Moreover, this method overcomes the weaknesses of ultrasonic testing that can only point by point scan, the detection precision is affected by various factors, and can not quantitatively monitor the WTL of the pipe in the remote, real-time and online manner.
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