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J.Kharadi P, R.Gohil N, Solanki Y. Comparing intraocular pressures with different types of tonometers and its correlation with central corneal thickness in patients presenting in a tertiary care centre. Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences 2024; 10 (2) :146-153
Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Government medical College, Bhavnagar, India ,
Abstract:   (299 Views)
Background & Aims:  Glaucoma usually undiagnosed in general population. People usually ignores the symptoms and came late when disease already get worsened. This study aimed to compare intraocular pressures in general population having inclusion criteria with different types of tonometers and its correlation with central corneal thickness in patients presenting in OPD at Ophthalmology Department of Sir T hospital, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.
Materials & Methods: In this Hospital based cross-sectional observational study with 9-month duration, 72 patients between the ages of 30–75 years were evaluated, after taking into consideration the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Detailed history taken including chief complaints, past history, family history, personal history followed by general and systemic examination. 72 patients having inclusion exclusion criteria were analyzed with three different tonometers (Goldmann applanation, Non-contact tonometer (NCT), Schiotz tonometer), and the correlation between each other were measured. Then central corneal thickness is measured with OCT Tomography, and the results were compared to intraocular pressure (IOP).
Results:  When compared to the non-contact tonometer, we found that the Schiotz tonometer had the highest correlation. These associations were also seen in people with diabetes and hypertension. Nonetheless, as patients age, there is a corresponding rise in the correlation between the gold standard approach and the tonometer.
Conclusion:  All the tonometer showed significant correlation with the gold standard technique (Goldmann applanation tonometer), over a range of intra ocular pressure, between the ages of 30 -75 years, in diabetics and hypertensive patients, and in the patients with different CCT values.

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Type of Study: orginal article | Subject: Other

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