Evaluasi Strategi Bisnis Kedai Kopi Neira Dengan Pendekatan Bisnis Model Kanvas

Muchammad Ramelan


The high competition in the coffee shop business and promising opportunities make Neira coffee shops able to adapt and develop their business. This study aimed to evaluate the business strategy of the Neira coffee shop with a canvas model business approach as well as to design a new business model through five porter analysis and SWOT analysis including identification of internal and external factors. This research used descriptive qualitative research with an independent interview method. The results of this research showed that the development of a business model in seven blocks on the canvas business model, namely the development of the customer segment was a type of professional worker or entrepreneur. The development got in the customer relationship is push notification email/ WhatsApp; in the revenue streams development is a consignment fee; in the key resources is a customer database; in the key activity is a continuous online promotion; in the key partnership is partnering with bakery shops, and in the cost structure is the cost of developing innovation.


business model canvas; SWOT analysis; five Porter’s analysis

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diakses 25 Mei 2020


diakses 26 Mei 2020

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30742/equilibrium.v17i1.1201


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