Kotvytska A. A., Kryvoruchko T. D., Neporada K. S., Berehovyi S. M.


About the author:

Kotvytska A. A., Kryvoruchko T. D., Neporada K. S., Berehovyi S. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The prevalence of diabetes has increased significantly in recent years. The latest Diabetes Atlas IDF data shows that 0.5 billion adults worldwide live with diabetes. The most common complication of diabetes is peripheral diabetic neuropathy, which leads to the development of pathological changes in the nervous system and blood vessels and significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. An urgent problem today is the search for effective drugs to correct polyneuropathy and other complications of diabetes. Our attention was drawn to the metabolic drug Cocarnit, which contains 20 mg of nicotinamide, 50 mg of cocarboxylase, 500 mcg of cyanocobalamin, 10 mg of disodium adenosine triphosphate trihydrate. The aim of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of Cocarnit in the correction of periodontal syndrome in rats with diabetic polyneuropathy. Experimental diabetic polyneuropathy was simulated in experimental animals by a single injection of streptozocin (Streptozocin Sigma, USA). To confirm the development of diabetes on the 30th day of the experiment, a glucose tolerance test was performed. The development of diabetic neuropathy was assessed by measuring the pain sensitivity threshold using the Randall-Selitto strain-algometric test. The subjects of the study were periodontal tissues of rats in the homogenate which determined the content of TBA-active products, oxidatively modified proteins, free fucose, glycosaminoglycans, catalase activity, total proteolytic and antitryptic activity. Diabetic neuropathy has been shown to cause periodontal syndrome, as evidenced by a probable increase in total proteolytic activity with a significant increase in total antitryptic activity, increased free fucose and glycosaminoglycans, and intensification of free radical oxidation. The introduction of Cocarnit prevents the development of pathological changes in the periodontal tissues of rats in diabetic neuropathy.


diabetic neuropathy, periodontium, proteinase-inhibitory potential, oxidative stress, Cocarnit.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (163), 2022 year, 132-135 pages, index UDK 616.31-018-008.9-06:616.833-02:616.379-008.64-02:615.33]-08-092.9