Orlova Yu. A., Hromova A. M., Shlykova O. A.


About the author:

Orlova Yu. A., Hromova A. M., Shlykova O. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Endometrioid disease (ED) occupies a leading position in the structure of patients admission to gynecological departments, and the prevalence of this disease is 10% among the female population. Today, there is no common point of view regarding the etiological and pathogenetic links of ED, which leads to a limitation, both in the diagnosis and in the treatment of this pathology. The aim of the research. Determine the level of macrophage colony–stimulating factor (CSF–1) in menstrual blood over time before surgery for ED and after surgery followed by conservative therapy. To assess the effectiveness of conservative treatment for ED. The study group (SG) was represented by 50 women with ED. The control group (CG) included 30 women without signs of ED. All the women presented were operated on for benign gynecological pathology. Menstrual blood of women in the study groups was collected in menstrual cups on days 2-3 of menstrual bleeding before surgery (in SG n=43 and CG n=19), in women with SG after only surgery – subgroup B (n=8) and after surgical treatment followed by conservative treatment – subgroup A (n=11). Conservative treatment included generally accepted protocol schemes. Determination of the concentration of CSF–1 in menstrual blood was carried out by enzyme-like immunosorbent assay. Results. Average level of CSF–1 values were 9431.6±2866.22 pg ml in SG and 6637.12±954.05 pg/ml in CG. These indicators significantly statistically differed, namely, 1.4 times more (p=0.00004) in the presence of ED. The average level of CSF–1 in women of subgroup B was 12290.85±2294.35 pg/ml, and in women of subgroup A – 8761.02±2816.4 pg/ml. It was found that the level of CSF–1 in women of subgroup B was 1.4 times higher (p=0.02). It was found that women of subgroup B had a level of CSF–1 1.3 times higher than women in SG before surgery. There was no significant difference between the level of CSF–1 in SG women before surgery and in women of subgroup A (9431.6±2866.22 pg/ml versus 8761.02±2816.4 pg/ml, respectively; p=0.54), however, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the concentration of CSF–1 in women of subgroup A. Conclusions. CSF–1 is 1.4 times higher in the menstrual blood of women with ED. The use of complex treatment of ED should include not only surgical, but also supportive conservative therapy. Hormone therapy does not cure ED, but it stabilizes it. Priority in the choice of hormone therapy drugs should be given to drugs containing dienogest. Determination of CSF–1 in menstrual blood can be used as a non–invasive method for monitoring the course of ED.


endometrioid disease, menstrual blood, hormone therapy.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 155-158 pages, index UDK 618.14-002-089.8-085