The Excitation Efficiency for Dislocation-Related Luminescence Centers in Silicon with Oxygen Precipitates
Sobolev N. A.1, Kalyadin A.E.1, Shtel`makh K. F.1, Shek E. I.1, Sakharov V. I.1, Serenkov I. T.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Effect of the pump power on the photoluminescence intensity for dislocation-related luminescence centers is studied in p-type silicon containing oxygen precipitates. Oxygen precipitates are induced as a result of three-stage annealing used for formation of a getter for fast diffusing impurities in microelectronics technology while D1 and D2 dislocation-related luminescence centers were produced during subsequent annealing in a flow of argon at 1000oC. The photoluminescence excitation efficiencies for the D1 and D2 lines were measured at a temperature of liquid helium. Keywords: dislocation-related luminescence, silicon, oxygen precipitates, photoluminescence excitation efficiency.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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