Ponte Academic Journal
Mar 2020, Volume 76, Issue 3


Author(s): Imad M. Assali

J. Ponte - Mar 2020 - Volume 76 - Issue 3
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.3.12

Green living can be achieved in buildings interiors through materials selection as different contaminants are greatly dependent on the type of materials used. The interior design industry has developed rapidly, and it is noted that there are shortcomings in achieving the principles of sustainability because of the lack of a clear methodology for sustainable design. Sustainable design does not mean using vernacular materials, but it also means to use eco- friendly building materials that can be of low energy consumption and can be recycled or reused easily. Generally, traditional interior designers do not have the knowledge to solve interior environments problem and the occupants usually drive the decoration process in their buildings according to personal, economic, and cultural requirements rather than function and efficiency. Therefore, there is a need to motivate and to educate designers to incorporate sustainable interior designs in their practice. Thus, academic institutes must play an essential role in producing interior designer and architects who have knowledge to deal with environmental designs. The goal of this research is to suggest a methodology that shall help interior designers and architects in choosing a sustainable material for building design.
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