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Random Walks on Free Products of Cyclic Groups

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Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa


In this thesis, we investigate examples of random walks on free products of cyclic groups. Free products are groups that contain words constructed by concatenation with possible simplifications[20]. Mairesse in [17] proved that the harmonic measure on the boundary of these random walks has a Markovian Multiplicative structure (this is a class of Markov measures which requires fewer parameters than the usual Markov measures for its description ), and also showed how in the case of the harmonic measure these parameters can be found from Traffic Equations. Then Mairesse and Math ́eus in [20] continued investigation of these random walks and the associated Traffic Equations. They introduced the Stationary Traffic Equations for the situation when the measure is shift-invariant in addition to being μ-invariant. In this thesis, we review these developments as well as explicitly describe several concrete examples of random walks on free products, some of which are new.



Random walks, Free products, Asymptotic invariants, Entropy, Hausdorff dimension, Drift, Markov, Markovian, Cayley, Information theory, Formal language theory, Traffic equation
