Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics

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Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. CTU in Prague Faculty of Mech. Engineering Dept. Tech. Mathematics MIO Université du Sud Toulon Var - AMU - CNRS - IRD Czech Pilot centre ERCOFTAC
A 3D Unified Model to Fluid-Structure Interaction with Block-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement

Altazin T., Golay F., Fraunié P.

We propose to bring a better understanding of the interaction between an air-water flow and a floating structure by means of a fast accurate numerical model. Following the 3D low Mach compressible Euler model developed in [14] and previous works from [20], [11] and [13], we are now interested in simulating the motion of a floating structure in an air-water flow. In the context of a fictitious domain, a volumic penalization is applied inside the body to ensure a rigidity constraint through a penalized velocity in order to get the correct motion of the rigid body. The tracking of the solid is insured by the reconstruction of a Heaviside function thanks to a ray-casting algorithm. The validity of our fluid-structure interaction (FSI) procedure is investigated through some examples.

Euler equations, low Mach, compressible, bi-fluid, mesh refinement, fluid-structure interaction, fictitious domain, penalization, projection method, ray-casting, interface-sharpening
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In Proceedings Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2016, Prague, 2016 Edited by David Šimurda and Tomáš Bodnár, pp. 1-8
ISBN 978-80-87012-58-1 (Print)
ISSN 2336-5781 (Print)
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