Finite Element Analysis of Horizontal Buffer Elements in Pile Leg Butt Joint Buffer
投稿时间:2023-06-01  修订日期:2023-06-01
中文关键词: 桩腿对接缓冲器  水平缓冲件  刚度  有限元分析
英文关键词: pile leg butt joint buffer  horizontal buffer element  stiffness  finite element analysis
陈晓娟 1.河北省深海桩基配套装备技术创新中心2.衡橡科技股份有限公司 rste182@163.com 
马美琴* 1.河北省深海桩基配套装备技术创新中心2.衡橡科技股份有限公司 dsd23da@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 337
全文下载次数: 191
      Finite element analysis was performed on the horizontal buffer element(HE) in the pile leg butt joint buffer(LMU).The results showed that for LMU products(referred to as the product) composed of the steel cylinder and its interior 12 HE evenly distributed along the circumference of the steel cylinder,the higher the Poisson’s ratio of HE material was,the greater the stiffness of HE was,but the stiffness variation was small.The friction coefficient between HE and the inner wall of the steel cylinder had a certain impact on the stiffness of HE.After HE assembly was completed,lubricating grease should be applied on its surface to reduce the friction coefficient with the pile leg.Embedding steel plates in HE and changing the size and position of the steel plates,as well as changing HE material characteristics,could increase the stiffness of the product.The design with 12 HE evenly distributed along the circumference of the steel cylinder could meet the engineering stiffness requirements of the product,and the stiffness deviation of the product was within 1.98% under two extreme working conditions.This study could improve the shock absorption effect of LMU, which was beneficial for preventing damage to the pile leg structure of the jacket during installation.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
CHEN Xiaojuan 1.Technical Innovation Center of Supporting Equipment for Deep-sea Pile Foundation in Hebei Province2.Hengxiang Technology Co.Ltd rste182@163.com 
MA Meiqin 1.Technical Innovation Center of Supporting Equipment for Deep-sea Pile Foundation in Hebei Province2.Hengxiang Technology Co.Ltd dsd23da@163.com 
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