Adhesive Properties of NR Compounds with Different Vulcanization Systems for Automobile Bushing
投稿时间:2020-08-06  修订日期:2020-08-06
中文关键词: 天然橡胶  汽车衬套  硫化体系  粘合体系  骨架  粘接性能
英文关键词: NR  automobile bushing  vulcanization system  adhesive system  frame  adhesive property
何方科* 建新赵氏科技有限公司 hefangke@126.com 
胡余优 建新赵氏科技有限公司  
李 剑 建新赵氏科技有限公司  
邵伟国 杜邦(中国)研发管理有限公司  
刘 维 杜邦(中国)研发管理有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 761
全文下载次数: 586
      研究不同粘合体系对普通硫化体系和低硫高促硫化体系天然橡胶(NR)胶料与汽车衬套骨架粘接性能的影响。结果表明:MEGUM 3270/THIXON 520PEF,MEGUM 3270/MEGUM 538和THIXON P-6-EF/THIXON OSN-2-EF三种底涂胶粘剂/面涂胶粘剂粘合体系均适合普通硫化体系和低硫高促硫化体系NR胶料与汽车衬套骨架的粘接,其中采用MEGUM 3270/THIXON 520PEF粘合体系的NR胶料衬套的最大破坏力大于采用其他两种粘合体系的NR胶料衬套。
      The effects of different adhesive systems on the adhesive properties between natural rubber(NR) compounds with ordinary vulcanization system and low dosage sulfur high dosage accelerator vulcanization system and automobile bushing frame were studied.The results showed that all of the three kinds of botton coating adhesive/top coating adhesive bonding systems MEGUM 3270/THIXON 520-PEF,MEGUM 3270/MEGUM 538 and THIXON P-6-EF/THIXON OSN-2-EF were suitable for the bonding between NR compounds with ordinary vulcanization system and low dosage sulfur high dosage accelerator vulcanization system and automobile bushing frame,the maximum destructive force of the bushing of NR compound with MEGUM 3270/THIXON 520PEF bonding system was greater than those with the other two bonding systems.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
HE Fangke Jianxin Zhao’s Group Corp hefangke@126.com 
HU Yuyou Jianxin Zhao’s Group Corp  
LI Jian Jianxin Zhao’s Group Corp  
SHAO Weiguo DuPont(China)R & D and Management Co. Ltd  
LIU Wei DuPont(China)R & D and Management Co. Ltd  
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