Design Optimization of Utility System of Angren Rubber Factory
投稿时间:2020-10-15  修订日期:2020-10-15
中文关键词: 橡胶厂  公用工程系统  锅炉房  空气压缩站  动力站  水泵房  制冷站  变配电室
英文关键词: rubber factory  utility system  boiler room  air pressure station  power station  water pumping station  refrigeration station  transformer and distribution substation
裴红兵* 北京橡胶工业研究设计院有限公司 769252800@qq.com 
艾永安 北京橡胶工业研究设计院有限公司  
闫小星 北京橡胶工业研究设计院有限公司  
张 轲 北京橡胶工业研究设计院有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 881
全文下载次数: 417
      Uzbekistan Angren Rubber Factory construction is a Belt and Road Initiative project. This paper introduced the design optimization of the utility system of this factory. In order to further control costs,facilitate implementation,and make equipment operation and maintenance more convenient,some optimization schemes were put forward,such as addition of water seals to the overflow pipe of deaerator in the boiler room,taking partition use of condensation tanks in the boiler room,adding a heat exchanger at the inlet of hot vacuum tank in the power station,using of the existing pumps of the refrigeration system as the backup for each other with the same function,adding supplementary water pipelines to the water reuse pool in the sewage treatment,and moving the area A transformer and distribution substation close to the power load center and the main substation. These optimization schemes were proved to be effective in practice,and had certain reference significance for the design of utility system of similar project
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
PEI Hongbing Beijing Rubber Industry Research Design Institute Co.Ltd 769252800@qq.com 
AI Yongan Beijing Rubber Industry Research Design Institute Co.Ltd  
YAN Xiaoxing Beijing Rubber Industry Research Design Institute Co.Ltd  
ZHANG Ke Beijing Rubber Industry Research Design Institute Co.Ltd  
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