Resarch progress of functional neural networks in anesthetic emergence
中文关键词: 全身麻醉  神经网络  麻醉复苏  苏醒延迟  意识
英文关键词: General anesthesia  Neural networks  Anesthetic emergence  Delayed emergence  Consciousness
冯振鑫 518000,深圳市,南方医科大学深圳口腔医院(坪山)麻醉科 fengzhenxin9494@yeah.net 
赵亮 518000,深圳市,南方医科大学深圳口腔医院(坪山)麻醉科  
蔡伟华 518000,深圳市,南方医科大学深圳口腔医院(坪山)麻醉科  
邢飞 郑州大学第一附属医院麻醉与围手术期医学部  
张卫 郑州大学第一附属医院麻醉与围手术期医学部  
摘要点击次数: 600
全文下载次数: 203
      General anesthesia resuscitation is an important part of general anesthesia. With the discovery of neuroscience in the field of anesthesia, studies have shown that emergence from general anesthesia is not a passive process of drug metabolism. It involves the sequential activation of many functional neural networks in the brain, and finally promotes the recovery of consciousness. However, the mechanisms of delayed emergence from anesthesia, postoperative delirium and agitation are still unclear, and the key to solving such problems is to fully understand the dynamic evolution of neural networks in general anesthesia and resuscitation. Combined with the recent research progress, this paper summarizes the mechanism of the basal forebrain, hypothalamus, ventral tegmental area, locus coeruleus, tuberomammillary nucleus, parabrachial nuclei, dorsal raphe nucleus, and the main neurotransmitters secreted by these nucleus in resuscitation. The mechanism of functional neural networks will deserve further study, which will support a theoretical basis for clinical consciousness research, and provide new ideas for dealing with problems such as delayed emergence and postoperative cognitive dysfunction.
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