投稿时间:2015-11-04  修订日期:2015-11-10  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2016.05.017
摘要点击次数: 1517
全文下载次数: 775
叶鹏程 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科  
方一鸣 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科  
张琳琳 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科  
陈海漫 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科  
管建锋 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科  
林湘林 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科  
吴立军 325035 温州医科大学数字化医学研究所 biomech@163.com 
邵侠 325000 温州医科大学附属第一医院口腔颌面外科 1412537114@qq.com 
中文摘要:目的 探索逆向工程软件结合薄层CT测量活体总牙周膜面积及剩余牙周膜面积的方法。方法 采集第2代中国数字化人体(活体数字人)男性第23号头颅薄层CT图像,以DICOM格式导入Mimics软件进行三维重建,再通过Geomagic Stadio软件优化模型,将牙周膜建模后模型通过Geomagic Stadio软件自带测量功能测量牙周膜面积。结果 测量所得的牙周膜面积符合解剖学规律,上颌牙牙周膜大于下颌牙周膜;上颌牙周膜面积:第一磨牙> 第二磨牙> 尖牙> 第一前磨牙> 第二前磨牙> 中切牙> 侧切牙,下颌牙周膜面积:第一磨牙> 第二磨牙> 尖牙> 第二前磨牙> 第一前磨牙>中切牙> 侧切牙。结论 利用逆向功能软件结合薄层CT能快速并准确地在活体上测出牙周膜面积、有利于进一步的诊断和治疗。
中文关键词:逆向工程  解剖学  牙周组织  第2代中国数字化人体
Full Denture Periodontal Ligament Anatomical Modeling and Measurement of a Male Chinese Human
Abstract:Objective To explore the value of the combination of the reverse engineering software and thin-layer CT technique in the evaluation of the total periodontal ligament areas and the remaining periodontal ligament areas. Methods Thin-layer CT machine were used to scan the head skull in the second generation of male Chinese digitized human(F2-CDH).CT image data in format of DICOM were in batches imported into Mimics to reconstruction 3-D model.Then integrating and optimizing the models were performed by Geomagic Stadio.Finally,The total periodontal ligament areas and the remaining periodontal ligament areas were eraluated by the analysis module in Geomagic Stadio. Results The measured periodontal ligament areas were accord with anatomically rules,and the size of the areas in maxillary were bigger than in mandible. Arranged in order of periodontal ligament areas size in maxilla was the following:the first molar> second molar> canine> the first premolar> the second premolar> central incisor> lateral incisor.Arranged in order of periodontal ligament areas size in mandible was the following: the first molar> the second molar> canine> second premolar> the first premolar> central incisor> lateral incisor. Conclusion By the usage of the reverse engineering software and thin-layer CT,we can measure the remaining periodontal ligament areas in vivo efficiently and accurately.It is helpful for our further diagnosis and treatment.
keywords:Reverse engineering  Anatomy  Periodontal ligament  F2-CDH
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