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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LI Nianping,LIU Penglong,WU Zhibin.Field survey on summer thermal comfort and adaptation of university dormitories in Changsha[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2019,51(4):194.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201805105
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(湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙 410082)
为研究长沙地区高校自然通风宿舍夏季热舒适与热适应特征,对长沙地区某两所大学的15栋自然通风宿舍进行现场调研.在测试环境参数的同时,对受试者热感觉以及热适应行为进行问卷调查,共收集调研数据437份.通过温度频率法和加权线性拟合得到服装热阻、预测平均热感觉(PMV)、实际平均热感觉(MTS)与室内操作温度的关系式,研究结果表明:夏季服装热阻与室内操作温度负相关,每升高单位操作温度,服装热阻减少0.019 7 clo;PMV较MTS偏大,操作温度越高,两者相差越大,两者所对应的可接受温度范围分别为24.4 ℃~28.7 ℃和23.8 ℃~28.9 ℃;利用适应性PMV模型计算得出长沙地区夏季高校自然通风宿舍自适应系数为0.5,这与GB/T50785—2012《民用建筑室内热湿环境评价标准》中给出的规定值有较大出入;将男、女性调研数据分开研究,得到每升高单位操作温度,男、女性服装热阻分别减少0.028 8、0.016 4 clo,且男性比女性感觉更温暖;男、女性的热中性温度分别为26.3 ℃、26.7 ℃,可接受温度范围分别为23.8 ℃~28.7 ℃、24.2 ℃~29.2 ℃.本研究为高校宿舍热舒适与热适应研究提供了参考.
关键词:  自然通风  长沙  高校宿舍  热舒适  适应行为  现场调研
Field survey on summer thermal comfort and adaptation of university dormitories in Changsha
LI Nianping,LIU Penglong,WU Zhibin
(College of Civil Engineering,Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
To study the characteristics of summer thermal comfort and adaptation of naturally ventilated university dormitories in Changsha, 15 naturally ventilated dormitories of two universities in Changsha are investigated in this paper. Environmental parameters were recorded, and surveys were conducted on the thermal sensation and thermal adaptation behavior of the subjects. In total, 437 research data were collected. Based on temperature frequency method and weighted linear fitting method, the relations of indoor operating temperature with clothing thermal resistance, the predicted mean thermal sensation (PMV), and the actual mean thermal sensation (MTS) were determined. Results indicate that clothing thermal resistance negatively correlated with indoor operating temperature in summer. With the increase of unit operating temperature, clothing thermal resistance reduced by 0.019 7 clo. PMV was larger than MTS, and the higher the operating temperature was, the greater the difference between the two was. The corresponding acceptable temperature ranges of the two were 24.4 ℃~28.7 ℃ and 23.8 ℃~28.9 ℃, respectively. By using adaptive PMV model, the adaptive coefficient of the naturally ventilated university dormitories in Changsha was calculated to be 0.5, which is in great discrepancy with the prescribed values given in GB/T50785—2012 “Evaluation standard for indoor thermal environment in civil buildings.” The male and female research data were studied separately.As the unit operating temperature increased, the clothing thermal resistance of male and female reduced by 0.028 8 clo and 0.016 4 clo respectively. Male feels warmer than female in summer. The neutral temperatures of male and female were 26.3 ℃ and 26.7 ℃, respectively. The acceptable temperature ranges of them were 23.8 ℃~28.7 ℃ and 24.2 ℃~29.2 ℃, respectively. This study provides reference for the studies on thermal comfort and thermal adaptation of university dormitories.
Key words:  natural ventilation  Changsha  university dormitory  thermal comfort  adaptive behavior  field survey