王新宇,项 利,张 晨,仇圣桃,赵俊学.二次冷轧压下率对含钒钛取向硅钢组织和织构的影响[J].材料导报,2015,29(4):99-103
Effect of Reduction Ratio in Secondary Cold-rolling on Microstructure and Texture of V and Ti-contained Grain-oriented Silicon Steel
中文关键词: 普通取向硅钢 钒 钛 二次冷轧 组织 织构
英文关键词: grain-oriented silicon steel, vanadium, titanium, secondary cold rolling, microstructure, texture
王新宇 西安建筑科技大学冶金学院,西安 710055
钢铁研究总院连铸技术国家工程研究中心,北京 100081 
项 利 钢铁研究总院连铸技术国家工程研究中心,北京 100081  
张 晨 钢铁研究总院连铸技术国家工程研究中心,北京 100081  
仇圣桃 钢铁研究总院连铸技术国家工程研究中心,北京 100081 wangxinyu-010@163.com 
赵俊学 西安建筑科技大学冶金学院,西安 710055  
摘要点击次数: 1652
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      在实验室条件下模拟薄板坯连铸连轧工艺流程试制含钒钛普通取向硅钢,采用不同的二次冷轧压下率进行轧制并研究了其对组织和织构的影响。结果表明:当二次冷轧压下率为60%时,组织中与轧向呈约35°夹角的Ⅰ类宽切变带最为密集,这有利于在最终二次再结晶退火中获得位向准确的高斯晶粒。一次冷轧板以α线织构为主,当压下率增大时,α线织构组分取向密度逐渐减小,逐渐转变为α+γ混合纤维织构。二次冷轧板以γ纤维织构为主,随着压下率的增大,以{111}〈112〉位向为代表的γ纤维织构逐渐增大,压下率增大到60%时,{111}〈112〉取向密度达到4.135,之后继续增大压下率,{111}〈112〉强度提升有限。在实验条件下,最佳的一次冷轧压下率为72%,二次冷轧压下率为60%,最终成品可发生完善的二次再结晶,成品磁性能P17达到1.049 W/kg,B8达到1.950 T。
      Effect of reduction ratio in secondary cold-rolling on microstructure and texture of V and Ti contained grain-oriented silicon steel produced by TSCR process imitated in laboratory were researched. The results show that there will be intensive shearing stripe in the 60% cold-rolled microstructure, which is the best favorable in cold-rolled plates for obtaining accurate Gaussian texture. With the magnifying of cold-rolling reduction ratio, the main texture type will transform from α texture to α+γ texture in the first cold-rolled plates. On the other hand, γ texture become the main texture in the secondary cold-rolling plates. And the higher cold-rolled reduction ratio, the more γ texture. For example, fraction of {111}〈112〉 will be 4.135 when cold-rolling reduction ratio is 60%, but it will not be enlarged too much above 60%. At last, with the experiment condition, the best first rolling ratio is 72% and the best secondary rolling ratio is 60%. With these experimental conditions, the secondary recrystallization of samples were impeccable and the best magnetic property will be obtained, whose P17 is 1.049 W/kg and B8 is 1.950 T.
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