李春萍,陈 鑫,张宝林.Au-N共掺杂ZnO电子结构和光学性质的第一性原理研究[J].材料导报,2015,29(2):159-162
First-principle Study on Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Au,N Co-doped ZnO
中文关键词: 氧化锌 共掺杂 第一性原理 电子结构 光学特性
英文关键词: zinc oxide, co-doping, first-principle, electronic structures, optical properties
李春萍 空军航空大学基础部, 长春 130022 
陈 鑫 长春理工大学理学院,长春 130022 
张宝林 吉林大学集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室,长春 130012 
摘要点击次数: 1873
全文下载次数: 506
      The first principle ultrasoft pseudopotential method of plane wave based on the density functional theory was used to study the electronic structures and optical properties of Au,N (gold, nitrogen) co-doped ZnO, including band structure, density of states, dielectric function and optical absorption. The calculated results were compared with that of pure ZnO and N-doped ZnO. The results revealed that Au,N co-doped ZnO of wurtzite is still direct band gap semiconductors, but the band gap is decreased and the valence band is broaden, with nonlocality of the electronic densities of states occering. This structure is more in favor of the formation of p-type ZnO. The calculated optical properties show a great enhancement in the visible and ultraviolet region after doping.
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