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杨增旭1,2, 韩洪云1
1.浙江大学 管理学院 杭州 310029;2.枣庄学院 山东 枣庄 277160
关键词:  化肥  施肥技术效率  影响因素  政策含义
Technical efficiency of fertilizer and its influencing factors:Based on wheat and corn empirical study
YANG Zeng-xu1,2, HAN Hong-yun1,2
1.College of Management,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310039,China;2.Zaozhuang University,Zaozhuang 277160,China
It is fertilizering the crops that is a major resource of agricultural non-point pollution in China.Basing on provincial panel data from 1996 to 2009,using Stochastic Frontier Production Function approach we calculate fertilizering technical efficiency of wheat and corn in China,and using Tobit model,we analyze the factors that determine the technical efficiency of fertilizing.The result showed,the low efficiency of fertilizering not only affects its production technical efficiency,but is the major reason of agricultural non-point pollution;fertilizer price,income of farmers,planting scale and technology training for farmers are important factors affecting technical efficiency of fertilizer.The policy of improving income of farmers and encouraging land transfer can increase technical efficiency of fertilizer and decrease agricultural non-point pollution;subsidies policies for producing factors with pollution go against the governance of agricultural non-point pollution;Chinese Agricultural Technology Extension should be strengthened and perfected in order to increase fertilizering technical efficiency and reduce agricultural non-point pollution.
Key words:  fertilizer  fertilizering technological efficiency  influencing factors  policy implications