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关键词:  垂向混合方案  HYCOM  北太平洋西边界流系  流量  季节变化
Effects of three vertical mixing schemes on HYCOM simulations of the North Pacific Western Boundary Current System
Li Li,Wang Yan and Cui Fengjuan
Ocean University of China,College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China,North China Sea Data DdDd Information Service of the State Oceanic Administration
Based on OFES (OGCM for the Earth Simulator) and the simulations of the north Pacific western boundary current system via HYCOM, the performances of three different kinds of vertical mixing schemes are compared. They are the K-Profile Parameterization (KPP) scheme, the Kraus and Turner (KT) scheme and the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 (MY2.5) scheme. The flow distributions of upper ocean that they simulate are all similar with OFES in the North Pacific, but there are slight mismatches in the flow direction and region. The KPP scheme simulates the best compared with OFES and the KT scheme simulates the worst. Compared the typical section of North Equatorial Current (NEC), Kuroshio Current (KC) and Mindanao Current (MC), the KPP scheme showed the best result, which are more similar to the previous research. Used the three simulation results of different mixing schemes and OFES data, the seasonal volume transport of NEC, KC, MC and MUC are estimated. Both the KPP scheme and OFES reflect the signal that the MC have a seasonal maximum transport in spring (March to May) and a minimum transport in fall (September to November), and the MUC has the homologous trend. Furthermore, both the KPP scheme and OFES demonstrate the signal that the MC and NEC vary in the same phase, while the KC and MC vary in the same phase only in winter.
Key words:  vertical mixing scheme  HYCOM  north Pacific western boundary current system  volume transport  seasonal variation
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