Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Trends Among Elderly in Cancer Registration Areas of Guangdong Province from 2013 to 2017
中文关键词:  恶性肿瘤  老年人  发病率  死亡率  变化趋势  广东
英文关键词:cancer  the elderly  incidence  mortality  changing trend  Guangdong
欧孟言 广东省疾病预防控制中心 中山大学公共卫生学院 
周弘烨 广东省疾病预防控制中心 广东药科大学公共卫生学院 
陈丹琪 广东省疾病预防控制中心 
许燕君 广东省疾病预防控制中心 
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      摘 要:[目的] 分析2013—2017年广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人恶性肿瘤发病、死亡情况及变化趋势。[方法] 汇总广东省2013—2017年老年人恶性肿瘤登记资料,按照地区和性别分层,计算广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人恶性肿瘤的发病/死亡粗率、中标率、世标率、年龄别率。采用Joinpoint软件计算2013—2017年发病/死亡率年度变化百分比(annual percentage change,APC)。[结果] 2013—2017年,广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人恶性肿瘤粗发病率1 033.07/10万,中标发病率1 016.18/10万,世标发病率986.98/10万;粗死亡率674.32/10万,中标死亡率641.42/10万,世标死亡率617.43 /10万。老年男性恶性肿瘤发病率和死亡率均高于老年女性。广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人恶性肿瘤发病率峰值在80~84岁组,死亡率峰值在≥85岁组。广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人恶性肿瘤发病前5位依次为气管、支气管和肺癌、结直肠肛门癌、肝癌、前列腺癌、女性乳腺癌,共占老年人恶性肿瘤发病数的58.73%;死亡前5位依次为气管、支气管和肺癌、肝癌、结直肠肛门癌、胃癌、前列腺癌,共占老年人恶性肿瘤死亡数的65.59%。广东省肿瘤登记地区不同年龄段老年人恶性肿瘤发病率和死亡率呈现不同变化趋势。[结论] 广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人恶性肿瘤发病风险较高。气管、支气管和肺癌、结直肠肛门癌、肝癌在广东省肿瘤登记地区老年人群中发病和死亡风险高,应重点防治。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To analyze the incidence, mortality and trends of cancer among the elderly in cancer registration areas of Guangdong Province from 2013 to 2017. [Methods] The cancer registration data in the elderly in Guangdong Province from 2013 to 2017 were collected, the crude incidence/mortality, age-standardized rate and age-specific rate stratified by region and gender were calculated. China census population in 2000 and world Segi’s population were used to calculate age-standardized rates(ASR). Annual percentage change(APC) of incidence/mortality from 2013 to 2017 was calculated using Joinpoint software. [Results] From 2013 to 2017, the crude incidence of elderly people in cancer registration areas of Guangdong Province was 1 033.07/105, the age-standardized incidence rate by Chinese standard population in 2000 (ASIRC) was 1 016.18/105 and the age-standardized incidence rate by Segi’s world standard population(ASIRW) was 986.98/105. The crude mortality was 674.32/105, the age-standardized mortality rate by Chinese standard population(ASMRC) in 2000 was 641.42/105 and the age-standardized mortality rate by Segi’s world standard population(ASMRW) was 617.43/105. The incidence and mortality of cancer in elderly men were higher than those in elderly women. The peak incidence of cancer was at the age group of 80~84 years old, and the peak mortality was at the age group of 85+ years old. The top five incidences of cancer were trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, colon, rectum and anus cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer and female breast cancer, accounting for 58.73% of the all new cancer cases. The top five deaths were trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, liver cancer, colon, rectum and anus cancer, stomach cancer and prostate cancer, accounting for 65.59% of all cancer deaths in the elderly. The incidence and mortality of cancer in the elderly at different age groups in Guangdong cancer registration areas showed different trends. [Conclusion] The elderly in cancer registration areas of Guangdong Province have a higher cancer incidence and mortality rate. Trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, colon, rectum and anus cancer and liver cancer are most common in the elderly population and should be given priority for prevention and control.
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