彭 慧,黄 芳,张一英.上海市嘉定区2002~2012年恶性肿瘤登记资料质量评价[J].中国肿瘤,2016,25(10):775-781.
Quality Evaluation of Cancer Registry Data in Jiading District,Shanghai
中文关键词:  肿瘤登记  恶性肿瘤  发病率  死亡率  上海
英文关键词:cancer registration  malignant tumor  incidence  mortality  Shanghai
彭 慧 上海市嘉定区疾病预防控制中心 
黄 芳 上海市嘉定区疾病预防控制中心 
张一英 上海市嘉定区疾病预防控制中心 
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      摘 要:[目的] 对上海市嘉定区肿瘤登记资料可比性、有效性和完整性等方面进行分析,全面评价嘉定区肿瘤登记数据的质量。[方法] 基于嘉定区2002~2012年的肿瘤登记数据,计算MV%、DCO%、M/I、O&U%、逐年发病率变化趋势的稳定性等肿瘤登记资料质量控制指标。 [结果] 嘉定区2002~2012年共报告恶性肿瘤新发病例21 716例,死亡病例13 859例,死亡例数与新发病例数之比(M/I)为0.64;病理诊断比例(MV%)为61.96%,呈逐年上升的趋势;死亡医学证明书比例(DNC%)为10.08%,只有死亡医学证明书比例(DCO%)为0.06%;未指明部位恶性肿瘤新发病例比例(O&U%)为2.46%,且逐年下降。[结论] 嘉定区肿瘤登记数据质量逐年提升,但MV%指标仍处在较低水平,需进一步提高嘉定区肿瘤登记报告数据质量。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To evaluate the comparability,reliability and integrity of cancer cases based on the data collected by cancer registry in Jiading district of shanghai.[Methods] All incidence and mortality of cancer cases in 2002-2012 were collected from shanghai cancer registry system in Jiading district. Microscopically verified percentage(MV%),death certification only percentage(DCO%),the ratio of the number of deaths from a particular cancer to the number of cases registered during the same period(MI),percentage of other and unspecified site(O&U%),the incidence trend year by year were calculated based on the data. [Results] During the period of 2002-2012,a total of 21 716 new cases and 13 859 death cases were collected in Cancer Registry System in Jiading District. The ratio of the number of deaths to the number of cases was 0.64.The overall MV% was 61.96%,increasing from 50.06% in 2002 to 71.14% in 2012.The overall DCN% during the period was 10.08%,and the DCO%was only 0.06%.The O&U% decreased from 2.66% in 2002 to 1.27% in 2012.[Conclusion] The quality of cancer registry in Jiading improves rapidly during past one decade. However,the MV% remains low.The quality of registry data should be improved futher in Jiading district.
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