张 青,刘益飞,章建国.趋化因子受体CXCR7在非小细胞肺癌[J].中国肿瘤,2014,23(11):952-955.
The Expression of Chemokine Receptor 7(CXCR7) in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and its Clinical Significance
中文关键词:  非小细胞肺癌  CXCR7  免疫组织化学
英文关键词:non-small cell lung carcinoma  CXCR7  immunohistochemistry
张 青 南通大学附属医院 
刘益飞 南通大学附属医院 
章建国 南通大学附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 2374
全文下载次数: 1017
      摘 要:[目的] 研究趋化因子受体CXCR7在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)中的表达,并探讨其与NSCLC临床病理特征的关系。[方法] 采用免疫组织化学Envision法检测120例NSCLC癌组织及20例正常肺组织中CXCR7的表达。[结果] 在NSCLC癌组织中,CXCR7阳性表达率为59.2%(71/120),在正常肺组织中CXCR7阳性表达率为10.0%(2/20)(P<0.05)。CXCR7阳性表达与癌组织分化程度和淋巴结转移有关(P<0.05)。CXCR7阳性表达组与阴性表达组5年生存率分别为11.3%和22.4%(P<0.05)。[结论] CXCR7可能参与了NSCLC的发生发展和淋巴结转移。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To investigate the expression of the chemokine receptor 7(CXCR7),and the relationship between CXCR7expression and clinical feature in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.[Methods] Expression of CXCR7 in 120 patients with NSCLC and 20 specimens of normal lung tissues were detected by immunohistochemical technique.[Results] The positive expression rate of CXCR7 were 59.2%(71/120) in the NSCLC cancer tissues and 10%(2/20) in normal lung tissues. The positive expression of CXCR7 in NSCLC was significantly higher than that in the normal lung tissues(P<0.05). Positive expression of CXCR7 related to tumor grade and lymphatic metastasis(P<0.05). The 5 year survival rate was 11.3% in patients with positive expression of CXCR7,and 22.4% in patients with negative expression of CXCR7 (P<0.05). [Conclusions] CXCR7 might participate in tumor oncogenesis,progress and lymph node metastasis of NSCLC.
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