Arsenite enhance the stability of nano-TiO2 in aquatic culture media for freshwater algae and daphnia
中文关键词: nTiO2  As(Ⅲ)  稳定性
英文关键词: nTiO2  arsenite  stability
李金丽 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 昆明 650500
中国科学院城市环境研究所环境与健康重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361021 
李梦婷 中国科学院城市环境研究所环境与健康重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361021  
黄兵 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 昆明 650500  
王振红 中国科学院城市环境研究所环境与健康重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361021  
罗专溪 中国科学院城市环境研究所环境与健康重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361021 zxluoire@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2076
全文下载次数: 2795
      Nano-titanium dioxide(nTiO2) has an impact on the behavior of other co-contaminants in the environment, then pose to its ecological risk. To better understand and then to predict the ecological risk of nTiO2 in fresh water, we investigated the stability of nTiO2 under arsenite[As(Ⅲ)] stress in different culture media-ultrapure water, Freshwater Algae and Daphnia Culture Media BG11 and SM7. The results showed that:The stability of nTiO2 significantly negatively related with its initial concentration and ion strength of the disperse medium; Arsenite could influence the pH and Zeta-potential of the medium, thus the stability of nTiO2; The stability significantly positively related with arsenite's concentration, indicating enhanced stability and migration of nTiO2 by arsenite. As a result algae and daphnia were fully exposed to the stable nTiO2-As(Ⅲ) system, and the ecological risk of both spieces increased.
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