Title (eng)

Neuromatic Play: KOPFGELD and other experiments


Margarete Jahrmann


Zarko Aleksic

Charlotta Ruth

Thomas Wagensommerer

Georg Luif

Louise Linsenbolz

Max Moswitzer

Mark Coeckelbergh

Stefan Glasauer

Description (eng)

Foreword or an "obituary" to the Neuromatic project. Margarete Jahrmann Experimental Game Cultures Office Over a period of three years, from 2021 to 2023 we undertook a series of collective experiments. The focus of these works was not so much to validate a certain hypothesis about the use of Electroencephalographic (EEG) machines for scanning a brain — in order to see what You think as a player – but to make processes of research public and to demonstrate, how every user can appropriate also medical devices as their own tools of expression. Our original hypothesis shifted in the course of the research. The tools were more and more embracing the emerging developments in Artificial intelligence in relation to the very personal data collected and given by “free will”, in order to achieve a state of personal optimization and Flow, by many players nowadays. We started with a strict interdisciplinary approach — in a triangle form Philosophy, neurosciences and game arts. We ended up in a deeply intertwingled ludic method research on experiments in a world of constant change.

Object languages





Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0 International



Game Art

Lucid Method


