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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 6, 2021

Commentaires sur des vers problématiquesdu manuscrit de Cambridge du Roland

  • Hitoshi Ogurisu EMAIL logo


There are three extant editions of the Cambridge version of The Song of Roland. However, only the last one – that is, the van Emden edition – has a detailed examination of verses that pose subtle difficulties. Thus, although the manuscript’s text has been established, except for a few incorrect or uncertain readings, a more comprehensive examination of the text has just begun. This paper exhaustively contemplates the nuanced interpretations, unconvincing expansions of abbreviations, lexical and morphologic problems, and linguistic particularities of the copyist of this edition. It also considers modifications of the text, interpretation of problematic verses, and editorial methodology. The aspects listed above are not rigidly categorised because every case involves several points of view. The author of this paper has almost accomplished a fresh edition of the same manuscript, Édition électronique du Roland de Cambridge, which will soon be made available. The present paper offers supplementary information for the readers of this edition.


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Published Online: 2021-12-06
Published in Print: 2021-12-02

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