The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) based on long-read nanopore sequencing

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Zoological Science


Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), also known as the coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB), is an important agricultural pest causing significant economic damage to coconut and other palms across Asia and South Pacific. During the 20th century, human-mediated dispersal resulted in the distribution of O. rhinoceros expanding from its native range (between Pakistan and the Philippines) throughout Oceania (Catley, 1969). After the discovery and introduction of the viral biocontrol agent Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV) in the 1960s, most of the CRB populations in the Pacific islands have been persistently suppressed (Huger, 2005). However, after a biocontrol campaign failed to eradicate a newly established population in Guam in 2007, new O. rhinoceros invasions were recorded in Papua New Guinea (2009), Hawaii (2013) and Solomon Islands (2015) and more recently in New Caledonia and Vanuatu (Etebari et al., 2020). Worryingly, the new invasive populations have also been difficult to control by known OrNV isolates (Marshall et al., 2017), emphasizing the importance of actively overseeing and adapting the management programmes for this important insect pest.

The expansion pathways, dynamics and hybridization of invasive insect pests and other arthropods are commonly traced through the analyses of mitochondrial sequence variation (Wang et al., 2017; Rubinoff et al., 2010; Moore et al., 2013). In the absence of a mitogenome sequence, the universal barcoding region is often amplified with degenerate primers to investigate partial sequences of cox1 and a limited number of other mitochondrial genes in the target species. However, analyses of such partial sequence data can fail to distinguish true mitochondrial lineages unless a sufficient number of genetic markers can be retrieved. Variation from a partial sequence of one mitochondrial gene (cox1) and one nuclear gene (cad) was not sufficient to allow confident hypotheses testing around O. rhinoceros invasion pathways (Reil, Jose & Rubinoff, 2016), but a single diagnostic SNP within the partial cox1 gene amplicon has been used to distinguish the CRB-G haplotype from other haplotype that originally invaded the Pacific islands in the early 1900s (Marshall et al., 2017; Etebari et al., 2020). Here we report the first and complete mitogenome sequence assembly of O. rhinoceros, a genomic resource that will support the development of a comprehensive molecular marker toolset to help advance the biosecurity and management efforts against this resurgent pest.

The complete O. rhinoceros mitogenome assembly was generated using long-read Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing and complemented with the short-read Illumina sequencing. The approach recovered all 37 genes (Cameron, 2014b) and a long non-coding (control) region (6204 bp) that was not recovered in a short-read (Illumina-based) assembly, likely because it contains different putative tandem repeats. Three domains with detectable transcription within the control region and the rearrangement of two tRNA genes (trnI and trnQ) were also identified. The high quality of the assembly was validated through the correct placement of O. rhinoceros within the Scarabaeidae phylogeny, transcription patterns from an independently-generated transcriptome dataset, and in silico recovery of a recently reported diagnostic PCR-RFLP marker. This is the first complete mitogenome for the genus Oryctes and the subfamily Dynastinae, and among only a few for the entire scarab beetle family (Scarabaeidae).

Materials and Methods

Sample collection, DNA extraction and ONT sequencing

An adult female O. rhinoceros was collected from a pheromone trap (Oryctalure, P046-Lure, ChemTica Internacional, S. A., Heredia Costa Rica) on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands in January 2019 and preserved in 95% ethanol. Mrs Helen Tsatsia (Director of Research) and members of the research team at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Honiara, Solomon Islands Government facilitated the insect collection in Solomon Islands. Initially, the mitochondrial haplotype of the specimen was determined as CRB-G (Marshall et al., 2017) via Sanger sequencing of the partial cox1 gene sequence that was amplified using the universal barcode primers LCO1490 and HCO2198 (Folmer et al., 1994). High-molecular weight DNA was extracted using a customized magnetic (SPRI) bead-based protocol. Specifically, smaller pieces of tissue from four legs and thorax (50 mm3) were each incubated in a 1.7 ml eppendorf tube with 360 μL ATL buffer, 40 μL of proteinase K (Qiagen Blood and Tissue DNA extraction kit) for 3 h at RT, while rotating end-over-end at 1 rpm. A total of 400 μL of AL buffer was added and the reaction was incubated for 10 min, followed by adding 8 μL of RNase A and incubation for 5 minutes. Tissue debris was spun down quickly (1 min at 16,000 rcf) and 600 μL of homogenate was transferred to a fresh tube, where SPRI bead solution was added in 1:1 ratio and incubated for 30 min while rotating at end-over-end at 1 rpm. After two washes with 75% ethanol, DNA was eluted in 50 μL of TE buffer. DNA quality (integrity and concentration) was assessed on the 4,200 Tapestation system (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and with the Qubit broad-range DNA kit. To enrich for DNA >10 kb, size selection was done using the Circulomics Short Read Eliminator XS kit. We sequenced a total of four libraries, each prepared with 1 μg of size-selected HMW DNA, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for the Ligation Sequencing Kit SQK-LSK109 (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Cambridge, UK). Sequencing was done on the MinION sequencing device with the Flow Cell model R9.4.1 (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Cambridge, UK) and the ONT MinKNOW Software.

An Illumina sequencing library was prepared using a NebNext Ultra DNA II Kit (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, USA) and was sequenced on a HiSeq X10 (150 bp paired end reads) by Novogene (Beijing, China).

Mitogenome assembly, annotation and analysis

The Guppy base caller ONT v.3.2.4 was used for high-accuracy base calling on the raw sequence data, and only high-quality sequences with a Phred score >13 were used for the de novo mitogenome assembly with the program Flye v.2.5 (Kolmogorov et al., 2019) in the metagenome assembly mode. The method recovered the full circular assembly and to verify its accuracy, we first mapped the original reads back to the generated mitogenome assembly using Minimap2 (Li, 2018) with the following parameters: -k15—secondary = no -L -2. Second, we used BWA-MEM (Li, 2013) to map short-read Illumina sequences obtained from the whole-genome sequencing of another O. rhinoceros female collected from the same geographic location as the specimen used for the mitogenome assembly. The read alignment analysis in Pilon (Walker et al., 2014) was used to identify inconsistencies between the draft mitogenome assembly and the aligned short Illumina reads, removing small indels that represent homopolymers (e.g., >4 bp single nucleotide stretches) as an inherent sequencing error of the ONT (Mikheyev & Tin, 2014). Finally, we manually inspected if the Pilon correction occurred only in putative homopolymer regions by comparing the draft assembly with the Pilon-polished version.

The complete mitogenome sequence was initially annotated using the MITOS web server (Bernt et al., 2013), and tRNA genes and their secondary structures were cross-analysed using tRNAscan-SE v2.0 (Chan et al., 2019). To further refine the annotation and to examine mitogenome transcription, we used BWA-MEM to align Illumina reads from a transcriptome study of O. rhinoceros larvae (Shelomi, Lin & Liu, 2019), retrieved from the NCBI (SRR9208133). Finally, we manually inspected and compared our annotation to the complete and near complete mitogenome annotations of other related taxa (Table 1) in Geneious Prime (Biomatters development team, 2020). MEGA X (Kumar et al., 2018) was used to assess the codon usage and nucleotide composition of protein-coding genes. We used Geneious Prime to test if the nucleotide sequence of the cox1 gene recovers the recently reported PCR-RFLP marker (Marshall et al., 2017). This was done by aligning the sequences of the primer pair (LCO1490 and HCO2198) to isolate the amplicon fragment and perform in silico restriction digestion with MseI restriction enzyme. The restriction digestion of the amplicon produces a set of fragment lengths that distinguishes CRB-G from other haplotypes (Marshall et al., 2017). The presence of tandem repeats within the control region was assessed with the Tandem Repeats Finder v.4.0.9 (Benson, 1999) using default parameters. The annotated mitogenome sequence has been deposited in GenBank under accession number MT457815.1.

Table 1:
Taxa with complete or partial mitogenome sequences used for the phylogenetic analyses.
Accession Reference Organism Genome
Missing genes Contains
control region
length (bp)
FJ859903.1 Cameron et al. (2009) Rhopaea magnicornis Complete None Yes 17,522
JX412731.1 Timmermans et al. (2016) Cyphonistes vallatus Partial nd1 No 11,629
JX412734.1 Timmermans et al. (2016) Trox sp. Partial nd2; cox1 No 11,622
JX412739.1 Timmermans et al. (2016) Schizonycha sp. Partial nd2 No 13,542
JX412755.1 Timmermans et al. (2016) Asthenopholis sp. Partial nd2 No 12,352
KC775706.1 Kim et al. (2014) Protaetia brevitarsis Complete None Yes 20,319
KF544959.1 Kim & Kim (2013) Polyphylla laticollis mandshurica Partial None No 14,473
KU739455.1 Breeschoten et al. (2016) Eurysternus foedus Partial None No 15,366
KU739465.1 Breeschoten et al. (2016) Coprophanaeus sp. Partial None No 15,554
KU739469.1 Breeschoten et al. (2016) Bubas bubalus Partial None No 16,035
KU739498.1 Breeschoten et al. (2016) Onthophagus rhinolophus Partial None No 15,237
KX087316.1 A. Hunter, 2017 (unpublished) Melolontha hippocastani Partial None No 15,485
MN122896.1 A. Margaryan, 2019 (unpublished) Anoplotrupes stercorosus Partial nd2 No 13,745
NC_030778.1 Kim et al. (2016) Osmoderma opicum Complete None Yes 15,341
NC_038115.1 Yang et al. (2018) Popillia japonica Complete None Yes 16,541
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10552/table-1

Phylogenetic analysis

To ascertain if our newly sequenced O. rhinoceros mitogenome can be correctly placed within the Dynastinae subfamily of the Scarabaeidae family, we performed the phylogenetic analyses with 15 additional taxa for which complete or near complete mitogenome sequences could be retrieved from the NCBI. We used thirteen species from five subfamilies of the Scarabaeidae family (Dynastinae, Rutelinae, Cetoniine, Melolonthinae, Scarabaeinae) and members of two other families from Scarabaeoidea as outgroups (Trogidae, Geotrupidae) (Table 1).

Nucleotide sequences of all 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were first translated into amino acid sequences under the invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code and aligned using the multiple alignment in Geneious Prime. The aligned amino acid matrix was back-translated into the corresponding nucleotide matrix and the Perl script Degen v1.4 (Zwick, Regier & Zwickl, 2012; Regier et al., 2010) was used to create the degenerated protein-coding sequences in order to reduce the bias effect of synonymous mutations on the phylogenetic analysis. These final alignments from all 13 PCGs were concatenated using Geneious Prime.

We estimated the phylogeny using two methods: the Maximum likelihood (ML) inference implemented in IQ-TREE web server (Trifinopoulos et al., 2016) and the Bayesian inference (BI) in MrBayes (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist, 2001). For the ML analysis, the automatic and FreeRate heterogeneity options were set under optimal evolutionary models, and the branch support values were calculated using the ultrafast bootstrap (Hoang et al., 2018) and the SH-aLRT branch test approximation (Shimodaira & Hasegawa, 1999) with 1,000 replicates. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) in ModelFinder (Kalyaanamoorthy et al., 2017) was used to select the best substitution model, and the BI phylogeny was generated with a total chain length of 1,100,000 (burn-in of 110,000 trees) and sampling every 200 cycles. The consensus trees with branch support were viewed and edited in Figtree v1.4.2 (Rambaut, 2014).


Mitogenome assembly, organization and transcription

The ONT long reads enabled the complete assembly of the circular mitochondrial genome for O. rhinoceros with just one MinION flow cell. This initial assembly was 20,954 bp in length and had a coverage of 3,834x. Based on the coverage ratio between the mitochondrial and draft nuclear genome assembly (unpublished data), we estimated that there were 320 copies of mitogenome for every nuclear genome copy. After including the data from three additional MinION flow cells, we produced a draft mitogenome assembly that was 21,039 bp long and had a coverage of 10,292x. Again, based on the coverage ratio between the mitochondrial and draft nuclear genome assembly, we estimated that there were 294 mitogenome copies per one copy of the nuclear genome in the total dataset. We then used the aligned Illumina reads to identify and correct indels, which are the most common error type produced by the ONT sequencing (Mikheyev & Tin, 2014), resulting in the removal of 141 bp. Of those, 95 bp were removed from the 5- to 9-mers (homopolymers). The final polished assembly was 20,898 bp in length. Our Illumina-only assembly, on the other hand, recovered a 17,665 bp mitogenome length with 3,233 bp missing from the control-region (CR).

The nucleotide composition of the complete mitogenome had high A + T bias (37.7% A, 32.8% T, 19.4% C and 10% G), and the long CR matched this genome-wide pattern (34.3% A, 35.8% T, 20.4% C and 9.5% G). The annotation revealed all 37 genes, with the rearrangement of trnI and trnQ genes, that showed the order: CR-trnQ-trnI-trnM-nad2 instead of CR-trnI-trnQ-trnM- nad2 (Table 2). CR resides within a large non-coding region (6,204 bp long) located between rrnS and trnQ, and the tandem repeats analysis revealed a complex structure of this large region with 11 putative repeats that had a consensus sequence between 7 and 410 bp repeated 2–12 times (Table 3). The length of 22 tRNAs ranged from 63 to 70 bp (Table 2), and their predicted secondary structures exhibited a typical clover-leaf structure. The length of rrnL and rrnS were 1,283 bp and 783 bp, respectively (Table 2).

Table 2:
Organization of the newly sequenced mitogenome of Oryctes rhinoceros.
Type Start
Length Direction Start
trnQ tRNA 1 69 69 Reverse
trnI tRNA 127 190 64 Forward
trnM tRNA 195 263 69 Forward
nad2 gene 276 1,271 996 Forward ATT TAA
trnW tRNA 1,270 1,335 66 Forward
trnC tRNA 1,328 1,392 65 Reverse
trnY tRNA 1,393 1,456 64 Reverse
cox1 gene 1,458 2,993 1,536 Forward ATC TAA
trnL2 tRNA 2,989 3,054 66 Forward
cox2 gene 3,055 3,762 708 Forward ATA TAA
trnK tRNA 3,743 3,812 70 Forward
trnD tRNA 3,813 3,875 63 Forward
atp8 gene 3,876 4,031 156 Forward ATT TAA
atp6 gene 4,025 4,696 672 Forward ATG TAT
cox3 gene 4,695 5,483 789 Forward ATG TAT
trnG tRNA 5,482 5,545 64 Forward
nad3 gene 5,546 5,899 354 Forward ATC TAG
trnA tRNA 5,898 5,962 65 Forward
trnR tRNA 5,963 6,027 65 Forward
trnN tRNA 6,028 6,092 65 Forward
trnS1 tRNA 6,093 6,159 67 Forward
trnE tRNA 6,161 6,224 64 Forward
trnF tRNA 6,223 6,288 66 Reverse
nad5 gene 6,287 8,005 1,719 Reverse ATT TAT
trnH tRNA 8,003 8,066 64 Reverse
nad4 gene 8,066 9,403 1,338 Reverse ATG TAA
nad4l gene 9,397 9,687 291 Reverse ATG TAA
trnT tRNA 9,690 9,754 65 Forward
trnP tRNA 9,755 9,819 65 Reverse
nad6 gene 9,821 10,321 501 Forward ATC TAA
cob gene 10,321 11,463 1,143 Forward ATG TAG
trnS2 tRNA 11,462 11,527 66 Forward
nad1 gene 11,547 12,497 951 Reverse ATT TAA
trnL1 tRNA 12,499 12,561 63 Reverse
rrnL rRNA 12,559 13,841 1,283 Reverse
trnV tRNA 13,843 13,912 70 Reverse
rrnS rRNA 13,912 14,694 783 Reverse
Control region misc_feature 14,695 20,898 6,204 None
Expressed region 1 misc_RNA 15,117 15,253 137 Reverse
Expressed region 2 misc_RNA 15,321 15,476 156 Reverse
Expressed region 3 misc_RNA 17,744 18,387 644 Reverse
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10552/table-2
Table 3:
Characteristics of the putative tandem repeats in the control region of the Oryctes rhinoceros mitogenome.
Indices Period
Score A C G T Entropy
14,764–14,795 16 2 16 93 0 55 53 0 0 46 1
14,757–14,797 7 6 7 78 16 50 48 0 0 51 1
14,818–14,859 15 3 14 86 10 59 38 0 0 61 0.96
15,012–15,440 133 3.2 133 97 1 824 52 15 6 25 1.65
15,447–17,166 285 6 285 98 0 3,336 24 29 13 33 1.93
16,955–17,949 206 4.9 205 98 1 1,933 24 29 12 33 1.92
16,955–17,949 410 2.4 409 98 1 1,938 24 29 12 33 1.92
18,024–18,419 110 3.6 110 96 1 724 41 24 8 25 1.83
18,656–18,707 22 2.3 23 81 15 65 51 1 3 42 1.31
19,664–20,895 102 12 102 98 0 2,351 36 11 7 44 1.69
19,664–20,895 205 6 204 98 0 2,369 36 11 7 44 1.69
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10552/table-3

All protein coding genes (PCGs) started with a standard initiation codon (ATN), 10 of 13 PCGs terminated with the conventional stop codons (TAG or TAA), while three genes (atp6, cox3 and nad5) had an incomplete stop codon T (Table 2). In silico digestion of the cox1 amplicon (delineated with the primer sequences from (Folmer et al., 1994)) produced the fragments 253 bp-, 138 bp-and 92 bp-long (Fig. S1) that are diagnostic for the CRB-G haplotype (Marshall et al., 2017).

The mapping of the transcriptome sequencing reads to the newly assembled mitogenome revealed that all PCGs were transcribed (mean coverage depth per base >23000X, Fig. 1), with cox1 and cox2 showing the highest level of expression when compared to the rRNA genes in the examined larval samples (Fig. 1). We found three domains within the large CR-containing region that also showed detectable transcription levels, with the transcript sizes of 137, 156 and 644 bp respectively. Our attempts to annotate these transcripts were not successful due to the fact that their sequences did not contain any open reading frames, nor did they have any significant BLAST hits within the NCBI’s reference RNAseq or nucleotide databases.

Circular representation of complete O. rhinoceros mitochondrial genome.

Figure 1: Circular representation of complete O. rhinoceros mitochondrial genome.

The position and orientation of 13 PCG genes (green), 22 trna genes (pink), two rRNA genes (orange), control region (grey) with three expressed domains (red). The inner circle displays transcriptome read depth (blue) on a logarithmic scale.

Phylogenetic analysis

The alignment of concatenated PCG sequences of 16 species (degenerated by Degen script (Zwick, 2013)) had 1,449 parsimony-informative sites, 1,818 singleton sites and 7,823 constant sites. ModelFinder identified GTR+F+R3 as the optimal substitution model (AIC: 94067.741, AICc: 94068.053), and given the proportion of invariable sites of 0.469 and the estimated gamma shape alpha of 0.728, we used the GTR+I+G model as the available alternative in MrBayes. This is the most parameter-rich model that has been shown to yield highly robust tree topologies for long alignments (>1,250 bp) in the smaller sample sizes (<17 taxa), irrespective of the model selection results (Abadi et al., 2019).

The topology of the maximum likelihood (IQ-tree) phylogeny was identical to the Bayesian (MrBayes) phylogeny, with O. rhinoceros being grouped with another member of the Dynastinae subfamily (Cyphonistes vallatus) with high confidence (100% SH-aLRT support, 100% ultrafast bootstrap support in ML, posterior probability 100% in BI). Dynastinae and Rutelinae were inferred as sister clades, that together with Cetoniine and Melolonthinae formed a basal split between phytophagus and coprophagus scarab beetles (Scarabaeinae) (Fig. 2).

Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) consensus tree inferred from the PCG dataset using IQ-TREE (ML) and MrBayes (BI).

Figure 2: Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) consensus tree inferred from the PCG dataset using IQ-TREE (ML) and MrBayes (BI).

Branch support values for the ML consensus tree are presented near each node as SH-aLRT support (%)/ultrafast bootstrap support (%), and branch lengths were optimized by maximum likelihood on original alignment. Branch support values for the BI consensus tree are posterior probabilities (0–1).The colored lines correspond to Scarabaeidae subfamilies.


The complete circular mitogenome sequence of O. rhinoceros is the only complete mitogenome assembly and annotation for the Dynastinae subfamily, and among only a few complete mitogenomes for the scarab beetles. Its size (20,898 bp) is among the largest reported in Coleoptera, and is similar in size to another scarab beetle, Protaetia brevitarsis (20,319 bp) (Kim et al., 2014). Mitogenome size is driven by the large non-coding control region (CR) that is 6,204 bp-and 5,654 bp-long in O. rhinoceros and P. brevitarsis, respectively. In Popillia mutans, another scarab beetle with a complete mitogenome sequence, the reported length of this region is only 1,497 bp (Song & Zhang, 2018).

Variation in the size and nucleotide composition of the mitochondrial CR is not unusual in insects (Zhang & Hewitt, 1997), however, there could also be technical reasons for some size discrepancies among taxa. Given that we recovered 17,665 bp in our Illumina-only assembly (3,233 bp were missing from the CR), it is possible that many other beetles have larger mitogenomes, but the repetitive content of CR presents a challenge for the most commonly used approaches such as Sanger or short-read NGS sequencing of long-PCR amplicons (Cameron, 2014a). While the CR size can be estimated from the size of long-PCR amplicons, its Sanger sequencing by primer walking is often impossible because it is difficult to design useful primers where GC content is insufficient and homopolymers and tandem repeats are abundant (Cameron et al., 2012; Cameron, 2014a). Long repetitive regions also complicate the assembly process with the short-read NGS sequences (either from the long-PCR amplicons or total DNA extractions) because they are often algorithmically collapsed due to their similarity. For example, three out of five scarab mitogenome assemblies recently generated with the short-read technology are incomplete and lack the control region and adjacent genes (Song & Zhang, 2018). The use of RNA-seq transcriptome data is the least likely to recover the CR, given that this part of the mitogenome generally does not transcribe (or has few short domains of transcription, as we describe in O. rhinoceros).

Our approach included the long-read (ONT) sequencing of the libraries that were prepared with non-PCR-amplified DNA, resulting in a fully closed circular assembly with thousands of reads spanning the entire length of the control region. The superiority of long-read sequencing technologies to capture the long repeated, AT-rich sequences has led to the discovery of remarkable interspecific variation in the length of the intergenic repeat regions in the mitogenomes of seed beetles (Chrysomelidae), that can range between 0.1 and 10.5 kbp (Sayadi et al., 2017). However, for taxa where CR is short (e.g., Lepidoptera (Zhang & Hewitt, 1997)), the long-read technology is not necessary for obtaining the complete mitogenome assemblies.

Unambiguous detection of gene rearrangements and other structural changes is another benefit of the long-read sequencing. In the O. rhinoceros mitogenome, trnQ gene precedes trnI gene, and this rearrangement is supported with thousands of long reads spanning this region. The rearranged position of trnI and trnQ genes is found in almost all species of Hymenoptera (Dowton et al., 2009), and was also reported in flatbugs (Hemiptera, Aradidae) (Song et al., 2016). A number of other rearrangements in tRNA genes have been reported in Lepidoptera and Neuroptera (Cao et al., 2012; Cameron et al., 2009), and because they all occurred between the CR and cox1, it has been hypothesized that this might be a ‘hotspot’ region for such changes (Dowton et al., 2009).

It is also important to note the higher basecalling error rate of ONT when compared to the short-read NGS or Sanger data. Using the aligned short-read sequences (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA), we identified 141 erroneous additions of 1 or 2 nucleotides, and 67% of those were found in 5-to 9-bp homopolymers. This occurred despite achieving the depth of thousands of reads per each nucleotide position (>10k × median depth), indicating systematic errors during the basecalling process that result in erroneous consensus sequence (Wick, Judd & Holt, 2019), and this cannot be circumvented with high sequencing depth alone. When short-read data are not available for polishing, we suggest to carefully manually inspect the alignment between the draft genome and other high-quality assemblies from the related taxa in order to remove most (if not all) errors in the consensus sequence.

The nucleotide composition of the final (polished) O. rhinoceros mitogenome sequence had high A + T bias (37.7% A, 32.8% T, 19.4% C and 10% G), which is highly concordant with other scarab beetle species (Song & Zhang, 2018), and the long CR matched this genome-wide pattern (34.3% A, 35.8% T, 20.4% C and 9.5% G). All PCGs start with a standard ATN codon, including cox1 that generally seems to be a hot-spot for non-canonical start codon in annotations of invertebrate genomes (Donath et al., 2019). Among 15 other Scarabaeoidea we examined (Table 1), 14 had cox1 in their mitogenome assembly, nine of which had a standard ATN codon while 5 taxa did not have a defined start codon, resulting in a different length of this gene. A more comprehensive analysis (with an extended taxon sampling) is needed to reliably quantify the extent of cox1 start-codon variation in this insect group. We also found evidence of some transcriptional activity within the control region of the O. rhinoceros mitogenome, but to fully characterize this pattern, more transcriptome data (from different tissues, life stages etc.) would need to be tested. Transcriptional activity within the intergenic repeat regions has been detected in mitogenomes of seed beetles (Sayadi et al., 2017), suggesting that ‘mitochondrial dark matter’ could be a source of non-coding RNAs in insects.

We used phylogenetic analysis to assess the quality of the O. rhinoceros mitogenome assembly, expecting to recover its grouping with one other member of the Dynastinae subfamily. This grouping was indeed highly supported in both ML and BI phylogeny (Fig. 2). Identical topology of the ML and BI trees showed Dynastinae and Rutelinae as sister clades, that formed a basal split between phytophagous and coprophagous scarab beetles with Cetoniine and Melolonthinae (Fig. 2). It is worth noting that the intra-family phylogeny of this group is inconsistent depending on the type of the sequence data (mitogenome vs. mito+nuclear genes) used for the inference. While Melolonthinae have been reported as paraphyletic and Cetoniinae as more closely related to Dynastinae and Rutelinae, the sister-group relationship between Dynastinae and Rutelinae was recovered in all previous studies of this group (Ahrens, Schwarzer & Vogler, 2014; Gunter et al., 2016; Song & Zhang, 2018). Further support for the high quality of the O. rhinoceros mitogenome sequence and annotation was our in silico recovery of the correct PCR-RFLP marker set that is diagnostic for the invasive CRB-G haplotype (Marshall et al., 2017).


We report the circularized complete mitochondrial genome assembly and annotation for O. rhinoceros, the major insect pest of coconut and oil palms. The long-read ONT sequencing allowed us to identify structural variation (trnI-trnQ rearrangement) and span the assembly across the entire 6,203 bp-long control region that contains tandem repeats and regions of transcriptional activity. This high-quality genomic resource facilitates future development of a molecular marker toolset to help with the biosecurity and management efforts against this resurgent pest. As the first complete mitogenome for the genus Oryctes and the subfamily Dynastinae, and among a few for the entire scarab beetle family (Scarabaeidae), it will contribute to the resolution of higher-level taxonomy and phylogeny of phytophagous scarab beetles that remain understudied despite containing many agricultural pests.

Supplemental Information

Graphical representation of in silico PCR-RFLP marker analysis.

The amplicon from the partial cox1 gene is delineated with forward and reverse universal cox1 primers (Folmer et al., 1994) and MseI restriction enzyme recognition sites are marked. The diagnostic SNP (Marshall et al., 2017) A>G is marked in orange. This analysis generates in silico fragments 253bp, 138bp, 92bp, 28bp and 13bp-long. The fragments 253, 138 and 92bp are visible on a 2% agarose gel in (Marshall et al., 2017) and are diagnostic for the CRB-G haplotype.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10552/supp-1
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