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Volume 168 - Anno 2017 - Numero 5

Oral health sentinel-based surveillance: a pilot study on dentinal hypersensitivity pain


doi: 10.7417/T.2017.2030

di F. Guerra, D. Corridore, F. Cocco, M. Arrica, F. Rinaldo, M. Mazur, C. Sanavia, GM. Nardi, G. Campus, L. Ottolenghi

scarica l'OPEN ACCESS


Aim of the study is to assess the development of a structured sentinel system for oral health data collection at national level. Furthermore, this pilot study aims to investigate the prevalence data on dentinal sensitivity pain collected through a nationwide network of epidemiological sentinels (dental hygienists). Each sentinel was given a specific number of examinees and periodicity of data collection. Overall, 116 adults were recruited from 19 Regions, 42,24% male and 57,76% female, with a mean age of 26. DH result was consistent with literature data, being 45%. All sentinel completed the standard forms and assured a good compliance. The overall good customer satisfaction assures adhesion of the sentinels to the procedure, and the regular data collection. The pilot study proved the effectiveness of a structured nationwide network of epidemiological sentinels (dental hygienists) for oral health data collection at national level. This methodology can be an essential starting point for periodic comparative studies.

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