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Creators:BindingDB [RRID=SCR_000390] [University of California San Diego]
Title:BindingDB Entry 50041253: Dual metalloprotease inhibitors: mercaptoacetyl-based fused heterocyclic dipeptide mimetics as inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase.
Publication year:2013
Resource type:Dataset/Protein-ligand binding data
Description [Other]:Small molecule binding data for protein Angiotensin-converting enzyme and Neutral Endopeptidase (NEP), Uniprot P07861 and P12822
Subjects:Angiotensin-converting enzyme and Neutral Endopeptidase (NEP), Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Affinity
Contributors:Liu, Tiqing [DataCurator] [University of California San Diego];
Gilson, Michael [ProjectLeader] [University of California San Diego]
Dates:2013-05-20 [Collected]
Alternate identifiers:bindingdb:e50041253 [CompactIdentifiers]
Related identifiers: [URL] [IsDerivedFrom];
9171867 [PMID] [IsDerivedFrom];
10.1021/jm970041e [DOI] [IsDerivedFrom]
Rights:Attribution 3.0 United States

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