Teacher training at the University of Barcelona: satisfaction, transfer and impact


This study analyses the effect that the training programs of the Institute of Education (ICE) of the University of Barcelona (UB) has on the teaching of the trainees who received this training. The satisfaction of the teaching staff about the courses, the level of transfer of the knowledge acquired to their teaching and its impact on the academic performance, motivation and participation of the trainees have been evaluated. Besides, the difficulties in transferring knowledge and skills acquired in the training to the teaching practice have been analysed. The indicators used for the collection and analysis of data are part of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IACS) of the ICE’s training programs.

The data show a high satisfaction of the teacher trainees with the training received. They indicate that the programs designed favour the acquisition of teaching competences and provide teachers with a greater capacity to introduce changes in their teaching. These changes affect the improvement of academic performance as well as the participation and motivation of their students. The perception that some organizational aspects of the institution hamper the transference to their teaching is greater in the trainees who have received more training. Moreover, it shows that IACS is a good tool for monitoring and evaluating the training programs, to accredit them, and therefore also to accredit the professional development of teacher trainees.



teacher training; university teaching staff; Internal Quality Assurance System; perception on transfer and impact


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